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The apostle Paul penned these words in writing to the believers in Corinth,

  • “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.” (II Corinthians 5:8)

The theory of Evolution, if embraced and believed, provides no confidence in the future. Every person is simply an animal, the human species having somehow evolved into a more complex being. But no matter the complexity, the future of such a being is quite simply the end of existence; death; annihilation.

For a human being to have such a belief system upon which to build their life may cater to the flesh but certainly not to the spirit. But then . . . does the evolved person even have a spirit?

The consensus seems to be, at least if one places any value in polls that are taken to try and determine the mindset of the masses, that humans tend to favor the belief that we have a spirit. And, that there is some sort of spirit world. This belief system seems to, more than anything, be built on the human intention to want to have a belief that a person will really never cease to exist. Humans have a hard time living without hope in something. It also seems to be built upon a rather suspect foundation . . . one that allows for little confidence.

Paul says of Christians that,

  • “We are confident . . .”

The word “confident” in Greek speaks of, “boldness . . . being of good cheer, having courage, being full of hope” (Zodhiates). In our text the translators have chosen to use the word “confident,” and our definition of this word in English would be, “having a strong belief or full assurance.”

To the Christian, we are “having a strong belief . . . a full assurance . . . full of hope” that we, who know as the Scriptures teach us, that indeed, we have a spirit and that when this body of ours comes to its end our spirit will,

  • “. . . be absent from the body and . . . present with Lord” 

“We are confident” of this!

Christian confidence . . . it is actually overwhelming to the point that we say with the apostle Paul that we are,

  • “. . . well pleased . . . to be absent from the body . . . and present with the Lord”

This confidence the Christian has is marked by being “well pleased” to “be absent from (one’s) body . . . and present with (our) Lord.”

Confidence: in the context of the theory of Evolution and its teaching verses that of the Bible. One theory actually having no confidence to provide for mankind, while the other . . . Christian confidence . . . having a great deal to provide to the one who has believed on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. What a stark difference!

To live in this world confidently . . . Christian confidence . . . what a blessing from our great and awesome God!


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