by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Now, if you are a Christian, I’m sure you will quickly answer, “sin.” That is correct. Without the fall of Adam and the penalty of death being...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. >>Click here to receive our emails and get equipped with encouraging and empowering Biblical truth and wisdom from Reasons for Hope*Jesus. In Case You Missed...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. The Bible features hundreds of significant men. We all know about Adam, the only man created perfect, but sadly, he also brought sin into the world. Then there are...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Christmas has become very commercialized. We are bombarded with advertisements suggesting the perfect gifts to give family and friends. But if Jesus is the reason for...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. America can’t be found in the prophecies of the Bible, but our government can be found there. In the Book of Isaiah, there’s a verse that points to Jesus as...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. It’s been reported that in the 2020 presidential election, more than 80 million Americans did not vote.¹ Of that 80 million, it’s estimated 40 million are...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Will God bless a nation that makes laws in opposition to His truths? Will He overlook our nation’s failure to stop abortion and redefine marriage? Are our leaders...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” Psalm 33:12 In 2009, President Barack Obama said, “…we do not consider ourselves a Christian...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Our ministry did not write this article, and it was not written recently. But the message is profound and more applicable today than ever before.First, read the article....
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Voting for elected officials is a privilege. In many countries, people have no influence on how their country is governed, who their leaders are, and, therefore, the...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. What did President Reagan say about racism and Marxism? And what vow did he confidently make on behalf of our nation? How do his words speak to our nation today? And are...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. President Reagan wrote a letter of utmost importance on August 7, 1982. It wasn’t a letter to anyone in Congress or to a leader of another country. Nor was it a...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. People often lovingly and inclusively say, “We are all God’s children.” Sadly, that is not a true statement. While it is true that everyone and everything belongs to God...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” So clearly, Jesus is “the way” to the...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. As Christians, we know that God created the earth and everything in it perfect. There was no sin, and all creation magnified God and reflected His glory. Of course,...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Many pithy (concise and forcefully expressive) sayings are used in everyday conversation. However, most people have no idea of their origins. It should be no surprise...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ. In the Bible study I teach, we are studying the minor prophets and we recently covered the Book of Obediah. Obediah is likely the most overlooked of the minor prophets. It is the shortest book in the Old Testament,...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Before we list the ten ways we can love like Jesus and reflect His love, let’s remember that in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, God’s...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Are you a people-pleaser? Many people live for the approval of others. They try to please their family, friends, and acquaintances, thinking it will bring acceptance,...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Over the past decade, it has become popular to begin prayers by addressing God as “Father God.” You have likely heard this often, even by very good pastors...