A Thanksgiving Lesson from a 1940’s New York Courtroom
Explore the lessons we can learn from a New York judge’s verdict and apply them to our Thanksgiving Day celebration.
24 Reasons Why I Love America, by John Wayne (1907-1979)
Watch as John Wayne takes you on a journey from coast-to-coast and shares 24 reasons to love America.
How Can We Save Our Country?
Explore the consequences of our nation’s laws and actions in light of God’s truths. Is America falling from grace? Find out.
Why Do We Call it Labor Day?
Learn about the origins of Labor Day. It’s more than just a day off from work. It’s a day to honor the American workforce.
God’s Prescription for Mother’s Day
God has a prescription for Mother’s Day. How should we celebrate the special woman we call mother? Read how to do so… God’s way.
Will You Remember That Fateful Day? The Columbine Massacre
Columbine – 25 years after one of the most horrific school shootings. Remember the precious lives that were lost that day and the testimony of faith from two of the victims.
Have You Read Jesus’ Last Will and Testament? (John 17)
In Jesus’ prayer (John 17), He bequeathed 7 precious gifts to all who are His. The gifts are His riches that are given to us.
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Put yourself at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified. The words of an old Negro Spiritual will take you there.
Can You Pray St Patrick’s Prayer?
For many St. Patrick’s Day is nothing more than a party. But the prayer of St. Patrick reminds us of so much more than fun and frivolity. His beautiful words will touch your heart and give rest to your soul. Read and watch now!
If Pre-borns Could Talk: A Conversation in the Womb
A short story about pre-born twins carrying on a conversation of great importance in their mother’s womb. How could anyone consider silencing the voices of pre-born babies?
A Christmas Morning Prayer
On Christmas morning take time to come to the cradle. Read this poem by legendary author Robert Louis Stevenson and pray this prayer with us.
22 Reasons to Thank God
There are thousands upon thousands of reasons to thank God. Here’s a countdown of twenty-two. Find out the #1 reason!!!
A Cloud of Witnesses for Freedom and Truth
Watch a very short and very inspiring video about those who have gone before us…in service to our country & in service to the Lord.
Two Women—Two Stories—Two Songs: Hannah & Mary
The similarities between the stories of Hannah and Mary are reflected in the words of their two songs. Read the lessons from their lives and their songs….
The Prayer — Guide Us With Faith; Give Us Grace; Keep Us Safe
A most beautiful song, The Prayer seeks light and hope and lifts praise to the One who gives all good things to His children.
What is Maundy Thursday? The Basin & The Towel
The Last Supper took place on what we call Maundy Thursday. What does that mean? What should we know about that night? Watch, The Basin and The Towel.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day — St. Patrick and His Prayer
Some little-known details about the man for whom this day is named. A History of St. Patrick…
The Gate of the Year: A Message to a Troubled Nation
She was only 13 years old and had a fondness for the words of a poem titled God Knows … And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year…
Christmas Advent Candle 3 – JOY: Jesus is Our Joy
Light an Advent candle to prepare your heart by renewing your hope, growing your love, rejoicing in Christ, and finding rest and peace. On the third Sunday of Advent, light the candle of JOY.
Christmas Advent Candle 2 – LOVE: Promise Reveals Love
We light an Advent candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts by renewing our hope, growing our love, rejoicing in Christ, and finding rest and peace. On the second Sunday of Advent we light the candle of Love.
Christmas Advent Candle 1 – HOPE: Prophecy Gives Hope
We light an Advent candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts by renewing our hope, growing our love, rejoicing in Christ, and finding rest and peace. Week one of Advent is a candle of hope.Â