Is the U.S. Government in the Book of Isaiah?
Did God give us the pattern for our government? Is it right before our eyes in the Book of Isaiah? Find out now and watch “We the People.”
Memorial Day Bagpipes Tribute: Amazing Grace
Our most popular video with 2 million views & thousands of comments. The bagpipes proclaim the grace of God in this moving tribute to wartime heroes.
At 93, She Still Reads Scripture — Beautifully & Faithfully! Psalm 121
Whether you are 93, 53, 23, or of any age, watch as this 93-year-old saint reads a short psalm!!! Make Jesus the focus of your daily life.
God’s Prescription for Mother’s Day
God has a prescription for Mother’s Day. How should we celebrate the special woman we call mother? Read how to do so… God’s way.
Did Paul Really Mean “Be Perfect”? Galatians 3:10
The Christian faith offers freedom from debilitating disappointment and the need to fix ourselves or others.
Christian Hallelujah or Cohen’s Hallelujah?
Our most popular video! An Easter version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” This will make you cry and instill gratitude and joy in your heart.
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Put yourself at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified. The words of an old Negro Spiritual will take you there.
What Does It Mean To Deny Self?
It’s important to understand what Jesus meant when He said we should deny self and take up our cross (Matthew 16:24)
Free to be Me!
Watch the full message here. More Lessons from the Book of Galatians — short video clips. Click here to get equipped with encouraging and empowering Biblical truth and wisdom every week! Video clips from Pastor Tullian Tchividjian, The Sanctuary Jupiter, FL...
The Hound of Heaven, a poem by Francis Thompson (1859–1907)
Puritans often used the title "The Hound of Heaven" to refer to God because it descriptively tells of God’s relentless pursuit of man. Francis Thompson (1859–1907) published his poem in 1893, and it gained popularity in the early 1900s when it was recognized and...
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, Words by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (video)
Written by Longfellow, this perennial favorite begins with a lament about the absence of peace in a war-torn country. But it ends with hope in remembering the faithful promise of God, “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.”
Unlocking the Power of Grace and Freedom in Galatians
Experience the powerful message of liberty in Christ in Galatians. Discover verses and teachings that will inspire and transform your faith.
What are the Three Reformation Hymns of Martin Luther?
Most Christians know Martin Luther was a great theologian and he started the Reformation. But few know that he was the writer of many hymns.
What is Grace? Assurance and Hope
Grace assures us that God doesn’t hold our sins against us but instead loves us forever with an unending, uninterruptible love.
Introduction to Galatians
The Book of Galatians reminds us of our liberty in the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch this short video as we begin a study series in Galatians.
The Best is Yet to Come (Song Video)
Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
What is The Hymn of Heaven?
Songs can stir the soul, warm the heart, settle the mind, and rejoice the spirit. Watch our newest song video.
What is The Serenity Prayer?
The Serenity Prayer asks God for serenity, courage, and wisdom. Watch this short video featuring the prayer with additional verses.
Could the Mark of the Beast be Something Other than 666?
Could there be another explanation for 666 in Revelation 13:18? This is intriguing reasoning for your consideration.
The Verse Every Father Must Know
What is the one verse that should be on every father’s mind? This verse is key to being a good and godly father.
You Say by Lauren Daigle
It’s important to know what God says about us. Watch this beautiful song by Lauren Daigle that tells us how much God loves us.
A Cloud of Witnesses for Freedom and Truth
Watch a very short and very inspiring video about those who have gone before us…in service to our country & in service to the Lord.
Thank You Jesus for the Blood
On the cross on Mt. Calvary, Jesus shed His pure blood for you and for me. Thank Him for the death He died, so we can live.
That’s My King! Genuine Praise & Real Hope
He’s indescribable—He’s incomprehensible—He’s invincible—He’s irresistible. You can’t outlive Him, and you can’t live without Him.
Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow
Jesus is ALIVE! Because He lives, we too live! Watch this inspiring and moving song and praise God for loving the world and giving us Jesus!
The Prayer — Guide Us With Faith; Give Us Grace; Keep Us Safe
A most beautiful song, The Prayer seeks light and hope and lifts praise to the One who gives all good things to His children.
Why Did Jesus Weep on Palm Sunday?
The crowds hailed Jesus as He entered Jerusalem, saying, Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the LORD! As He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it. (Luke 19:38,41)
Just the Beginning of You, by Charles Billingsley
Come to the end of yourself, look up, and find Jesus.
We All Know What it Feels Like to Lose
Watch the video clip or watch Tullian’s entire message here.
Night At the Creation Museum, from Creation Today
Filmed onsite at The Creation Museum, the video tells of night security guard Derrick Daley’s skepticism coming face-to-face with facts.
The Gate of the Year: A Message to a Troubled Nation
She was only 13 years old and had a fondness for the words of a poem titled God Knows … And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year…
Is Your Thanksgiving Glass ½ Empty or ½ Full?
How do you see your life? 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Watch this really short video and be inspired and filled with gratitude!
What Did President Reagan Say About Racism, Marxism, and God?
What did President Reagan say about racism and Marxism? What vow did he confidently make on behalf of our nation? Watch now!
Where Do You Find Significance in Your Life?
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Was Queen Elizabeth a Christian? Is She Now in Heaven?
Queen Elizabeth served her country for 70+ years. Did she also serve God and know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour?
What is Workaholism?
We all hear voices that tell us to work — and then you’ll earn the love you desire. What does God say?
Does Your Soul Find Rest in God? Psalm 62
Our souls seek rest in this weary world and troubling times. Real rest can only be found in the Lord. Learn about finding real rest.
Wherever You Are, Whatever You’ve Done, God Loves You!
The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell. It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell…Watch NOW…
Fully Known AND Fully Loved? Really?
Paralyzed by guilt, crippled by regret? Hopeless in sin? You are fully known, yet fully loved by God. Proof that God will love you forever.
Who Am I? The Identity Bell
Identity in Christ is an important doctrine for Christians to remember every day. Get the Identity Bell at
His Be The Victor’s Name (The Vile Accuser Roars)
A beautiful song of old put to new music. The words are profoundly encouraging. Though Satan accuses, Jesus forgives.
If You’ve Blown It, What’s Next?
We’ve all messed up, blown it, and broken our lives and our relationships. We’ve shattered our hopes and dreams. What’s next?
Why Does God Allow Thorns in Our Flesh?
In the broken pieces of our lives, God shows us who He is. In our weakness, He showcases His strength (2 Cor 12:9)
Steward Your Failures to Serve God and Others — Psalm 51:13-15
Trusting in the love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace of God makes it possible for us to believe we are forgiven so we can remove the masks that we wear.
You Are Not Alone
When someone shares their success with you, it can be inspiring. But when they share their failures, it’s a reminder you’re not alone.
Not Guilty Anymore, Not Filthy Anymore by Aaron Keyes
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from. Doesn’t matter where you’ve been. Jesus forgives you. You’re not guilty anymore.
Have you ever felt desperate for forgiveness? Psalm 51
We have all been there. In desperate need of forgiveness, but without words. Find the words in the most beautiful psalm of confession.
Thank You, God, for Freedom
On the Fourth of July, and every day of the year, give thanks to God for the freedom we enjoy and for the liberty we have in Christ.
The Unveiling of God in Creation and Redemption — Psalm 19 by Tullian Tchividjian
Psalm 19 is a praise psalm. It unveils God in an amazing way and declares His glory through creation and the Word.
How to Read the Psalms?
The psalms are a place where we can come as we are and bear our souls to God… without fear of rejection. They give us permission to express ourselves honestly.
Is Jesus in the Psalms?
Jesus is found on every page of the Bible and especially in the psalms. Take a minute to remember all that He is and give thanks.
***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?***
Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus. When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you The Names of God in Psalm 23 PDF that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email).
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Grow in Truth & Hope
Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Pet 3:18