Jesus is the Reason this Ministry Exists
Reasons for Hope* Jesus exists to glorify God by equipping you to know Jesus better, love Him more, and share your faith.
We Need Your Support
Please consider giving.
Your help is truly needed and greatly appreciated.
Reasons for Hope* Jesus is a 501c3 ministry.
Financial support for this ministry comes from the Lord through people like yourself.
All donations go to cover monthly operating expenses and to keep our website ad-free.
We are reaching millions worldwide with biblical truth and the gospel of saving grace. We equip Christians to grow in knowledge, live in hope, and share their faith in love and with confidence. Many websites are monetized with multiple ads, but we believe such advertising is a distraction. We can’t imagine a Bible with advertisements on its pages, so why have a biblical website with ads popping up?
PLEASE, help us keep the Reasons for Hope* Jesus website ad-free!
Big donations help greatly to cover expenses, but small donations add up quickly and also help.
An automatic recurring monthly donation is a simple way to support us.
(It’s easy to set up a recurring monthly donation)
We thank you in advance for any support you can give, big or small.
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It's easy to set up a recurring donation with a debit card, credit card, or PayPal (also easy to end it at any time).
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100 REASONS to Support Reasons for Hope* Jesus,