Jesus is the Reason this Ministry Exists
Reasons for Hope* Jesus exists to glorify God by equipping you to know Jesus better, love Him more, and share your faith.
Why support Reasons for Hope* Jesus? The number one reason is that we are reaching people worldwide with the truths of the Bible and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. All that we do is for the glory of God, so His name is lifted up and His light shines in an increasingly dark world.
100 REASONS to Support

When people subscribe to our emails, we ask, How did you find Reasons for Hope* Jesus? And they answer! Here are 100 of those answers.
Be sure to read our TOP TEN at the bottom of the page.
- Was searching for the shepherd’s staff
- searching for witnessing tools
- My husband and I were searching scriptures on angels escorting us to heaven and this came up and we are thrilled.
- God had me find this site when I googled what is the significance of the #20?
- I Googled regeneration vs reformation
- search for sermon topics
- I was searching for the hidden message in the genealogy of Genesis 5 and came across your page
- By typing in the Search for The Roman Road to Salvation
- scrolling on the internet for bible interpretation for my sermon. I find this site very helpful.
- Googled bride of Christ
- I was searching for scriptures about what happens if we harbor sin in our lives.
- Internet searching for answers to Sunday school lessons that I teach
- I was doing Bible research on the Internet about why the tribe of Dan was left out of Rev 7
- searching for names of GOD in 23rd Psalm
- Random search for quotes by Jesus when confronted by claims that OT is not relevant today.
- Searching online for a good timeline of 7000 years, from Adam to end of Tribulation. This Biblical Timeline is very helpful! Thank you
- I asked a question and you gave the I wills of Jesus, God, and Lucifer (satan)
- Googled a question. one answer resource I chose was this website
- Stumbled across online while inquiring about the 12 tribes
- Google search for Christian meanings of color
- google search on prayer wonderful material
- Member of my church recommended this site
- Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
- Ran across your site while researching Remez 🙂
- Google search for outline of Colossians
- Jehovahs witness visited us
- I am a Minister in training….
- I Googled the meaning of stones in the Bible
- A friend told me about this.
- web search about Abraham’s bosom
- Searched for 3 heavens.
- Just searching for names of True God
- I came to know you when I came across the topic titled: How Should We Understand the Mind of God? and it helped me by using Google
- Just occurred to me so it may have come from the Holy Spirit.
- My Pastor read to us on the Prayer Line 5/13/21
- Was searching the duration of Job’s suffering
- Someone mentioned you in a comment to a youtube video
- Google search on Shavuot and Jesus
- Asked google about biblical numbers and scrolled until Holy Spirit said this one
- Just found in a search for Jesus genealogy
- Holy Spirit lead me here!
- Out neighbor sent everyone here for the Easter Hallelujah
- Church member
- I’m like the Bereans: searching for the truth after being in cults for so long!
- I found you by searching for info on Satan. I enjoyed the Psalm 23 names of God. Please keep me posted on other info available.
- researching when Jesus was actually crucified
- your video was forwarded from a college classmate who was a fighter pilot in Vietnam
- Searching the internet about the Hebrew alphabet and the name Jesus in scripture
- searching for children’s church material
- Found site researching differences between sin, transgressions, and iniquity
- I asked Google what book of the Bible Jesus talked about most
- I searched “Shepherd rod and staff”. I used duck duck go (not google)
- Online search regarding boldness and gentleness in sharing Christ
- A friend and FB bible journaling group
- Our preacher recommended it
- God directed me to your website whilst searching for understanding and clarity regarding drugs and alcohol
- I have so many questions as I am for the first time exploring and reading the Bible
- I am a believer. We just had a death in the family which has brought up questions. I did a Google search and found your article that Angels bring us to Heaven. Very helpful comforting article.
- internet search for “abba is not daddy”
- Searching resources for our Church
- Learned about this website from a good Christian friend and breast cancer survivor
- It is a privilege to be in a Bible Study with Shari and to be blessed by her wealth of knowledge!
- By looking up symbols of Anchor and cross,
- Just scrolling around the net finding info for a Bible study I teach.
- It was by the Holy Spirit’s intervention for a divine connection to my 18 year old grandson who is an addict and homeless. I stumbled across your site when searching for information on “The Hound of Heaven” a poem written by Francis Thompson.
- The Holy Spirit led me here today during my study time
- searching web for Jesus in every book of the Bible
- Internet Search for Apologetics
- I was searching for the twelve stones and found your website
- Google search for what happens to people who never heard of Jesus.
- Through a devotional in which the question of why Jesus wept for Lazarus is posed.
- Found by accident. I’m sure God took care of that!!!!
- Googled “layout of Israel’s camp under Moses“
- A friend shared the website at our home group
- from one of my favorite Bible teachers — Shari Abbott
- I did a search on Repentance
- My daughter forwarded the psalms to me.
- My Mentor and friend
- Found you online when doing a search for Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”
- searching for more information on apologetics 🙂
- I read your daily devotional on my cousin’s Facebook page
- I was looking for the meaning of the stone on the well in Genesis 29 is where I saw your link and I liked it because my mind is opened
- Thru a church Bible study
- I just found your website on the internet when I typed in the word “apologetics”
- I was researching the saying that many ministers use, “If you were the only person on earth, Christ would have still suffered and died for you.”
- Looked up Abraham & where he went after he died
- I Googled “Psalms 151-160”
- Did a word search and the Father led me to your site.
- I was reading the meanings of numbers in OT and NT
- Your Youtube music video
- I am reading the bible chronologically and I came across this article.
- Google search about the crimson worm
- looking on duckduckgo search engine for the Balfour Declaration.
- Bible journaling Sisters
- Web search about Thursday crucifixion
- Searching the outline of the book of Deuteronomy.
- Through Facebook…
- Web surf looking at hymns of Luther
- I was searching for who I am in Jesus information and came across your website.
- I came across your website when searching for materials on Nehemiah
NOW…read the top 10 reasons to support Reasons for Hope* Jesus
This Top Ten list is from those who emailed us and told us they prayed the prayer of salvation on our Salvation Page (
#10. I prayed the prayer. And my husband Walter too. — Marjorie
#9. Yes, I prayed the prayer and would like information so I can keep this in my heart so I can be humble myself and take these prayers for me in my life. — Rick
#8. Thank you for the prayer video. I prayed the prayer. Please can you send me the information to help strengthen my faith? Many thanks. — Jemima
#7. I am so grateful….I am getting all my questions answered!!! Am getting water to quench my thirst… May God the almighty bless you all — Victor
#6. I saw your site and I want to be saved and live for Jesus. I have been in church all my life but I needed to be sure. I prayed the prayer. Thanks. — Roger
#5. I prayed the prayer and I would like you to pray for me that God should forgive my sins and give the grace to a clean life. — Dung
#4. I am already saved but I enjoyed the process of remembering it. In Jesus’ Holy and Majestic Name Amen. Thank you and God bless you. — Cristobal
#3. I don’t know what else to say. Thank you for providing this. — Katie
#2. I did pray and ask Jesus to forgive my sins despite certain doubts (I am a doubting Thomas) Perhaps you could help. I can almost even see how a perfect spirit being- Lucifer, could sin. (his version of the apple was to be removed from the glory of God at the creation, according to a website pastor) This way, doubt could creep into his mind as to God’s perfection. Granted that I just can’t see how he could have dragged down a third of the angels with him. — Chris
#1. Hello, my name is Tyrekia, I prayed that prayer and I don’t know how it works but I am hoping that I am now again a saved child of God. I want to become closer to the Lord and I just want me and my family to be covered in his blood. I beg for forgiveness.
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