Got Questions? is a category on the Reasons for Hope* Jesus ministry website. It is our intention to not only answer your questions but also to encourage you with hope and empower you to more boldly share your faith. Biblical knowledge should always produce fruit in our lives so we can better reflect the light and love of Jesus in a dark world that needs the hope found only in our Saviour.
What is the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide?
Learn the shocking truth about the leading cause of death worldwide, its impact on global health, and how we can change the global mortality rate.
In Case You Missed It: Top Ten Got Questions in 2024
Which Got Questions & Cloud of Witnesses articles were most read this year? Which videos were most watched? Check out the Top 10 in each category.
Who is the Most Overlooked Man in the Bible?
Find out who is the most overlooked man in the Bible and his significance in biblical and secular history.
Is It Biblical to Give Christmas Gifts?
Explore the role of gift-giving at Christmas. Should gift-giving be a part of our celebrations?
Is the U.S. Government in the Bible?
Discover the biblical connection between the U.S. government and a verse in Isaiah about Jesus as our righteous Judge, Lawgiver, and King.
Is Not Voting a Sin? How is voting like praying?
Are there legitimate reasons for not voting? Learn about the significance of voting and its correlation with praying.
How Can We Save Our Country?
Explore the consequences of our nation’s laws and actions in light of God’s truths. Is America falling from grace? Find out.
Is America a Christian Nation?
Pres. Obama said, “…we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation…” Is that true? Or is America a Christian nation?
What is the Answer to the Chaos and Confusion in Our World?
Gain insights from this compelling article on chaos and confusion. Read words of profound and relevant wisdom.
Should Christians Vote? If So, How?
Learn about the role of Christians in elections and why voting according to biblical principles is a responsibility and duty for believers.
What Did President Reagan Say About Racism, Marxism, and God?
Hear President Reagan’s timeless words on racism and Marxism. Hear his vow for our nation and its enduring significance.
President Reagan’s Letter Proclaiming the Gospel
Read the personal and important letter President Reagan wrote to share the gospel with his wife’s dying father.
Are We All Children of God? Or Just Christians?
Many will say, “We’re all God’s Children” with the intended meaning that everyone on earth is a child of God. That’s not really true.
What is the Way to Jesus?
We know that Jesus is the way to the Father. So what is the way to Jesus?
Did God Create the World Perfect? Or Just “Very Good,” as He Said?
As Christians, we know God created the world perfect. But He only said, “very good.” How do we explain explain that creation was “perfect?”
What Does “Yada, Yada, Yada” Mean?
Learn about the hidden meaning and impact of the phrase “yada, yada, yada.” Discover the biblical origin and the importance of the words.
What Can We Learn from Obadiah?
Discover the often-overlooked Book of Obadiah, a rich and powerful study in the Bible. Explore its timeless lessons for today.
What are the 10 Ways We Can Love Like Jesus?
Discover ten powerful ways to love like Jesus and reflect His sacrificial love. Learn how to magnify, justify, and glorify God’s great love in your life.
Do You Live For or From?
There’s a great distinction between living FOR something to get it, and living FROM that which you already have.
Should We Call God “Father God?”
Over the past decade, it has become popular to begin prayers by addressing God as “Father God.” Is that a good way to address the Father?
What are the Doctrines of Imputed, Infused, and Imparted Righteousness?
The righteousness of Christ is given in salvation, but how is it given? Imputed, infused, or imparted? What does the Bible say?
Who said, “To Everything There is a Season?”
Many pithy (concise and forcefully expressive) sayings are used in everyday conversation. However, most people have no idea of their origins. It should be no surprise that many of the sayings are found in the Bible and long pre-date their use. This reveals how the...
Did Enoch and Elijah Go to Heaven?
One of the most provocative questions that the Bible does not clearly answer. We can only ponder it and reason about a possible answer.
What is the Fourth T of Giving? Time, Talent, Treasure & ?
Christians are called to give time, talent, and treasure in service to the Lord. Do you know what the fourth “t” is?
What are the Individual Works of the Trinity in Creation and Redemption?
We know God is one God, but also three Persons. So how should we understand their individual works in creation and redemption?
What Is Shavuot / Pentecost? Does It Prophesy of the Rapture?
Shavuot is a harvest feast celebrated 50 days after Passover. The church calls it Pentecost. What typology/symbolism points to the Rapture?
Does Satan (the Devil) Accuse Us Before God?
Bible verses say that Satan goes before God and accuses those who have faith. Does he accuse you and me? How should we understand his tactics?
***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?***
Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus. When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you The Names of God in Psalm 23 PDF that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email).
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Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Pet 3:18