Christmas Advent Candle 1 – HOPE: Prophecy Gives Hope
We light an Advent candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts by renewing our hope, growing our love, rejoicing in Christ, and finding rest and peace. Week one of Advent is a candle of hope.
Seven Benefits of Knowing God
Thanksgiving is a day set apart for remembering all the things for which we are thankful. Psalm 103 reminds us of the blessings from the Lord, calling them benefits. What are the seven benefits that we should be thankful every day?
What is Identity in Christ? 101 Truths About Who You Are in Christ
Remember who you are in Christ. He defines your identity in more than 100 ways. Take comfort in knowing whose you are.
Wherever You Are, Whatever You’ve Done, God Loves You!
The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell. It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell…Watch NOW…
A Biblical Lesson for April Fool’s Day
On April 1st, people “stretch” the truth and then announce “April Fools.” As Christians, we are to discern truth and know what the Bible says about fools.
Who Was John Newton? What’s the Story Behind “Amazing Grace”
John Newton was the captain of slave ships and an investor in the slave trade. Later in life, He was converted and became an Anglican priest and an abolitionist.
Who Was Robert Robinson? What’s the Story Behind “Come Thou Fount”
Robert Robinson wrote “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” at age 22 after converting to Methodism. But what’s the rest of his story?
Who Was Horatio Spafford? What’s the Story Behind “It Is Well With My Soul”
Horatio Spafford wrote, “It Is Well With My Soul.” Most people recognize the lyrics, but few know the story behind the song and its writer.
Lent: 40 Titles of Jesus for 40 Days of Devotion
Prepare your heart for Easter during the 40 days we call Lent. Forty titles of Jesus — think on these things…
Eye Strain + Heart Pain = Soul-Suffering Sadness
What’s the answer to overcoming sadness with hope? We all experience distress and despair. There’s an ancient answer that always works. The answer is in the eyes and the heart!
Fear He is a Liar – Video
There’s always been a war between faith and fear. In this decade it seems that fear winning the battle. Is it?
How Can You Hear God’s Voice in the Darkness? Hello Darkness, My Old Friend: Psalm 88
When darkness dulls our hearing do we listen for the whispers in the sounds of silence? A popular song from decades ago echoes the closing words of a song from ancient times.
Christmas Day: When Love Was Born — Light the CHRIST Candle
On Christmas Day we light the candle at the center of all the other candles. It is the CHRIST candle.
Christmas Advent Candle 4 – PEACE: Pause to Find Peace
We light an Advent candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts by renewing our hope, growing our love, rejoicing in Christ, and finding rest and peace. On the fourth Sunday of Advent we light the candle of PEACE.
Scripture Cookies – Fun for the Whole Family!
Fun for the whole family. COOKIES! Open your Bible to determine the ingredients, then bake some cookies and enjoy the fun!
Freedom Is Not Free
Be grateful for those who have served our country so we can live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Always remember our American Veterans.
Pro-Life Matters Because Pre-Life Matters
Pro Life matters because the Pre-born matter. What should we know as we not the anniversary of Roe v. Wade which was passed on January 22, 1973?
It’s World Smile Day! What’s in a Smile?
Predating the commemoration of a day to smile, was the creation of the symbol that marks the day — the smiley face. Learn all you need to know about smiling.
What Would St. Patrick Think About His Day?
Who Was St. Patrick and What Would He Think? No one can know for certain what St. Patrick might have thought about such festivities on a day that bears his name. However…
You’ll Never Walk Alone – Music by Tad Lawrence
When life’s storms rage, there’s a calm to be found — and it’s a hope in your heart. That Hope is named Jesus. He will never leave or forsake you (Heb 13:5), so you will never walk alone.
Even If by Mercy Me
Sometimes you win some. Sometimes you lose. In all things, can you say “it is well with my soul?” Watch the video, listen to the words by Mercy Me, find peace, comfort, and rest in God.