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Got Questions? Reasons Book 1

Product Details

Reasons Book 1 answers questions.... with biblical reasoning. (page count: 155)

Questions include:

Jesus said, “I never knew you.” Why? What’s the controversy about the last 12 verses of Mark 16? What is soul sleep? Are you certain that when we die we go to be with the Lord? Do we live by law or grace? Why do I feel unforgiven? Who killed Jesus? Why didn’t the Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah? Where did Jesus go when He died? How could God allow people to suffer in hell? Were we spirits before we were born? Other than 2 Timothy 3:16, what are some answers for the Bible being God’s Word? Which Bible translation is best? How do I cope when a loved one dies very young? Was Jesus a sacrifice to Satan? When is it OK to lie? Should Saturday or Sunday be the Sabbath? What does it mean to be a “child of God?” How can I understand the Trinity? Can there be sin in Heaven? If angels have free will to choose to obey God, does man [have this choice] in heaven? Should we call His name Jesus? Or Yahweh? Or Yeshua? Do I need to be baptized like Jesus was baptized? Is a tattoo a poor testimony? Who is the twelfth apostle in Revelation 21:14? Revelation 22:17 speaks of the bride beckoning to “come.” Who is the bride? Why are there two different genealogies for Jesus? Didn’t God proclaim a blood curse on Jesus’ ancestors? What’s the explanation for this? Are there genealogies of Jesus recorded in Mark and John? What makes the Bible so unique?

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: SHARI ABBOTT, executive director of Reasons for Hope* Jesus, is an avid Bible reader and teacher. She is passionate about equipping and encouraging Christians to know Jesus better and to love Him more. Shari is the author of the books, Why the Butterfly? A Book About Rightly Remembering, Remember Me – A Course In Rightly Remembering, Who Said That? Common everyday sayings…where do they come from? Got Questions? We have Reasons for Hope (Reasons Books 1 & 2), Fun with Shuns (biblical words ending in -tion) and How to Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Shari and her husband Steve have two daughters and live in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Foreword by Dr. Alex McFarland, director of Apologetics and Christian Worldview, North Green University

Your purchase supports Reasons for Hope* Jesus. 100% of your purchase price is used to further ministry outreach.

Other books by this author:

Why the Butterfly? Rightly Remembering Jesus by Shari Abbott:

Who Said That? Common everyday sayings...where do they come from?

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Got Questions? Reasons Book 1

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