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A Most Unique Christmas Message

This is a lesson you don’t want to miss!

With Christmas fast approaching we take a break from our regular Bible teachings to PA– USE and stand in wonder and awe of our great God and His sacrificial gift of sending Jesus into our world.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations and festivities that we often forget to pause.  We think that if we take a break we won’t get everything done.  Sadly, the holiday frenzy can become both physically and spiritually exhausting.  We must intentionally remind ourselves to PA– USE and to remember the significance of Christmas. So rather than thinking, “I don’t have time to pause,” tell yourself, “I don’t have time not to pause.”


This “piano lesson” teaches the importance of the pause and the simplicity of the Christmas message of joy.  It’s short and inspiring.  It reminds us to slow down at Christmas and throughout the year.  You’ll be surprised by what you hear in this really short video. It teaches the most important of Christmas messages in only eight words and with eight notes.


Share this video with family and friends.  Share with them the simplest, most fundamental and most important message of Christmas…and then use it to open conversations of spiritual importance at all your Christmas gatherings.

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The Top Ten Got Questions small banner of 2015

  1. Is my TATTOO a sin?
  2. Is SUICIDE an Unforgivable Sin?
  3. Is It a Sin to Drink Alcohol?
  4. The Meaning of Colors in the Bible? /The Meaning of Numbers in the Bible?
  5. What is the unpardonable sin? What if I commit it?
  6. Is it a sin to be fat?
  7. Can Jews go to Heaven without knowing Jesus?
  8. Is there a hidden message in Rev 7? Why is Dan missing?
  9. Did Jesus descend into Hell?
  10. Where did OT saints go at death? What’s Abraham’s Bosom?

More Got Questions small banner


Read  Power of Hope small banner articles.

Got Questions? We have Reasons for Hope

GQRB-all3books A great gift for any believer who wants to know Jesus better and love Him more.

Reasons Books 1, 2 & 3

Come now, and let us reason together… At Reasons for Hope we invite our community to ask questions.  Each book answers 30 of those questions with answers and reasoning from God’s Word.

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The goal of Reasons for Hope* Jesus is to help you establish your heart and anchor your soul in Jesus, and renew your mind in His Word.


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