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Daily Bread

Daily Bread Devotions by Chuck Myer  Daily Bread Archive | Sign up for our resources

From the gospel of Matthew we read,

  • “And it came about that when Jesus had finished giving instructions to His twelve disciples, He departed from there to teach and preach in their cities.” (Matthew 11:1 – NASB)

And note from the book of Acts,

  • “And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ” (Acts 5:42 – NASB)

Ah yes, the business of the church; “teaching and preaching.” Years ago, while pastoring at Grace Bible Church, I wrote an article for our body regarding “The Age Of Exposition” verses “The Age Of Entertainment.” I had found it interesting as I was doing my studies that one writer had noted that we had moved away from “The Age Of Exposition,” having replaced it in our culture with “The Age Of Entertainment,” or as another author calls it, “The Age Of Show Business.”
By way of explanation, 

  • “The Age Of Exposition” – “A time past dominated by the thoughtful exchange of ideas through print and verbal means; preaching, debates, lectures, etc.”
  • “The Age Of Entertainment” – “A time of the present marked by an almost insatiable desire for amusement, for being entertained; a time marked by the head-long rush of society into the pursuit of self-gratification.”

This is noteworthy because it has had a very large impact on the church and on its “teaching and preaching.” In recent years many churches have relegated these two biblical mandates to a lesser status, giving way to society (the world), embracing and giving way to “The Age Of Show Business.”
Slumping attendance and what seemed to be a waning interest in spiritual things has caused the church to seek out and employ other methods and means by which to appeal to the masses. To attract people to services, to keep them coming back, to cater to what they are looking for in a church, “teaching and preaching” have been de-emphasized and that which is entertaining and meets the approval of these masses, has become the emphasis. So it is that the “spirit of this age” infiltrates and becomes the driving force in the church. (Note II Timothy 4:1-4)  
Add to this certain inherent dangers, lurking within: “In show business, truth is irrelevant; what really matters is whether we are entertained; substance counts for little; style is everything.”
The Scriptures are very clear! “Teaching and preaching” are essential parts to the church fulfilling its God-given mission on earth. The gospels, the book of Acts, the pastoral epistles, all of them drive this point home (cf. Mark. 1:14; 16:15; Acts 2:41-42; 28:31; I Timothy 4:6, 11, 13; 6:2, etc., etc.). By “teaching and preaching” the “spirit of this age” is exposed and overcome, as is its inherent dangers. Truth does matter; substance does count. It is by “preaching and teaching” that the power goes forth to accomplish what the Lord is looking for
Have a good day brethren . . . and I would encourage you to constantly be submitting yourselves to the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. Do not allow this age of show business that we live in to seduce you and such move you away from taking in the teaching and preaching of the Scriptures.  

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