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What Does God Say About You?
God’s words about who we are in Christ are encouraging and empowering. They give hope and joy for daily living and rest during times of trouble.
Sinners Saved by Unmerited Kindness, by William S. Plumer, 1853
Our Beloved alone can do sinners good! His blood alone atones. And He loved us unto death! Jesus has at once an almighty arm and a brother's heart! None is more exalted. Yet none stoops so low! None is mightier. Yet none is more tender! He shall not break the bruised...
What Does it Mean to Be a Child of God?
Those who are redeemed by Jesus are God’s children. What exactly does it mean to be a child of God?
A Cloud of Witnesses for Freedom and Truth
Watch a very short and very inspiring video about those who have gone before us…in service to our country & in service to the Lord.
Is it OK to ask God questions?
When questions arise, confusion abounds, fear sets in, and worry consumes us; what are we to do? Turn to God and ask…
Two Women—Two Stories—Two Songs: Hannah & Mary
The similarities between the stories of Hannah and Mary are reflected in the words of their two songs. Read the lessons from their lives and their songs….
Bible Quiz: Children of Biblical Mothers
Take a minute to remember some of the mothers in the Bible. Find out if you know the names of their children.
What Will Heaven Be Like? And, What’s Missing in Heaven?
The song and the movie “I Can Only Imagine” cause us to ponder what Heaven will be like. What will we do when we enter into the presence of Jesus? The Bible gives us some answers about what’s there and what is not there.
What is The Fellowship of the Unashamed?
If you don’t know this prayer, you need to read it today. Let it direct your heart and commit your mind to faithful fellowship with the One who is your everything.
That’s My King! Genuine Praise & Real Hope
He’s indescribable—He’s incomprehensible—He’s invincible—He’s irresistible. You can’t outlive Him, and you can’t live without Him.
Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow
Jesus is ALIVE! Because He lives, we too live! Watch this inspiring and moving song and praise God for loving the world and giving us Jesus!
Did Jesus Become Sin on the Cross?
Many pastors and Bible teachers have said, “Jesus became sin on the cross?” But does the Bible really say that? And what is meant by “becoming sin?”
The Cross from the Father’s, Son’s, and Believer’s Perspectives
The Bible reveals three very important views of the cross — the Father (Genesis 22), the Son (Psalm 22), and the believer (Isaiah 53).
What Do We Know about Judas? This Might Surprise You.
Who was this man? What does the Bible tell us about Him? Eleven things you might not have thought about Judas.
How to Cope When Betrayed?
Many people have experienced the emotional pain of betrayal and the consequences that follow. Broken relationships, or at least diminished fellowship, result when betrayed by someone we love -- someone we thought we knew and could trust. Jesus understands. 1 Cor...
What is Maundy Thursday? The Basin & The Towel
The Last Supper took place on what we call Maundy Thursday. What does that mean? What should we know about that night? Watch, The Basin and The Towel.
Was Jesus Crucified on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?
Was Jesus crucified on a Friday? Or could it have been on a Wednesday or Thursday? What does the Bible reveal? It might surprise you.
How was Jesus Like a Worm? What’s the Crimson (or Scarlet) Worm? A Remez In Psalm 22?
There’s a remez (hidden meaning) tucked in the words of Psalm 22. How does this psalm reveal Jesus as a worm?
What is a Chiasm? Chiastic Structure in the Bible?
Chiasms are found throughout the Bible, providing insight and structure to better understand and remember God’s Word.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day — St. Patrick and His Prayer
Some little-known details about the man for whom this day is named. A History of St. Patrick…
Will AI and Transhumanism be the Second “FALL” of Mankind?
In Genesis 3, God judged man’s sin and promised a Rescuer. Will AI and transhumanism bring another “fall?” And will God send a Rescuer again?
What’s Wrong with This FB Lenten Fast?
Recently a post on Facebook suggested things to fast from during Lent. However, there are problems with this fast.
What is Lent? Should I Give Up Something?
Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Resurrection Day. However, many Christians don’t understand or observe it. What should we know? And how should we observe Lent?
What are “The Five Love Languages” of God?
The Five Love Languages is a popular book to understand how we want to be loved and how we can love others. What are God’s Five Love Languages?
Valentine’s Word Search Puzzle — Love
Fun for children and adults. Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses and search for the words. Download puzzle and answers.
What is Apologetics? Why Should You Care?
Many are not familiar with the word “apologetics.” Some wonder if it has anything to do with apologizing. It doesn’t, but what does it mean?
Is Jesus’ Resurrection More Important than His Death?
The answer is "yes!" and "no!" Let me explain. It must be understood that Jesus' death and resurrection each had their own specific work to accomplish. And each brought about a specific and separate part of God's redemptive plan for mankind. Jesus' death...
How Do I Change My Life? Two New Year’s Resolutions that will work!
There are two New Year’s Resolutions that will work. What are they? Set them now and see how they will change your life.
What Good Comes from Suffering and Loss?
Watch the video clip below or Tullian’s entire message here. We share with you a comment from Fred who viewed this on YouTube: "This is a great reminder of the purpose of our trials. One of the best lessons I've learned is that when you think life really stinks, the...
In Case You Missed It: Top Ten Got Questions from 2022
Which questions garnered the most attention this year? Which videos were most watched? Check out our top 10 Got Questions and top 10 videos.