Daily Bread Devotions by Chuck Myer Daily Bread Archive | Sign up for our resources
- “Thou art near, O LORD, and all Thy commandments are truth” (Psalm 119:151 – NASB)
And so He is, “near,” and we His people rejoice in that as the new day dawns . . . our Lord is “near” to us, not far away. No deism here!
Do you believe the Bible is a historical book? Do you believe that this book that claims to be truth over and over again portrays an accurate and truthful historical record? Are Abraham and Moses and David and Solomon real historical people? Did the Israelites really make an exodus out of Egypt, did the walls of Jericho really come tumbling down, did Jesus really exist?
- “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12 – NASB)
The Bible records as history that Nicodemus had come to Jesus to ask Him several questions. Two actual men meeting in an actual, historical place to converse in an actual conversation. We know that in this meeting Jesus spoke to him of spiritual matters, of the necessity that a person be “born again,” born from above. This great spiritual truth conveyed to Nicodemus, “a man of the Pharisees” (John 3:1), by the One who claimed to be the Messiah is reported to us as to have taken place in an actual historical setting . . . but did it? And if not, then do falsely recorded “earthly things” in turn, make false “heavenly things?” Is the great spiritual truth spoken by Jesus negated by the lack of historical reliability of the Bible? Do you see the dilemma here?
Liberal theologians and non-believers alike wage an on-going war with the Bible. And one of their main attacks on the Bible is their claim that it really is not an accurate historical record.
Note the cover of a current book that tops the New York Time’s Best-Seller list under the heading of “non-fiction.” It is titled, “Killing Jesus,” and it is written by a man (along with the help of a co-author) who currently is viewed by millions on cable TV every night of the work week. His news program is rated as the number one cable program of its kind with millions tuning in nightly to hear Bill O’Reilly’s “spin” on current events in the news. His influence has a very broad reach. At the bottom of the cover sleeve of his book it reads, “A History.”
When Mr. O’Reilly is questioned as to why many of the things Jesus said were omitted from his book he answers over and over again, “There is no historical support for these sayings.” He makes it a point of saying that his book is history. In making these statements he makes it very clear that he believes that the Bible cannot be trusted to provide true historical writings.
In the book, “Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust The Bible,” Erwin Lutzer writes, “The Bible cannot afford to have historical errors. We are encouraged to believe its doctrines because of the reliability of its history.” He goes on to say that, “The Bible is not just a book on history, but also a book on doctrine, a book that takes us beyond the realm of human speculation . . . If it has some historical errors, it might well have some theological errors too.”
Good point, don’t you agree? The Bible: A history book? Historically accurate? Certainly the Battle for the Bible continues into our day and its creditability as to being accurate historically is a matter that we who believe its record cannot easily dismiss. Do you know what you believe about this matter? Do you know how you would answer the critics? Once again, give some thoughtful consideration to what Jesus said to Nicodemus,
- “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12 – NASB)
Lutzer writes, “How can we believe the Bible is historically reliable in the face of such sweeping denials? Must we simply look the other way and keep believing, no matter how mythical the Bible really is? Worse, should we close our eyes to what these scholars say, hoping that their radical views will just evaporate?” He goes on to say that, “We strongly disagree with those who say, ‘Well, the Bible is a religious document, so who cares whether it has historical errors?’ Lutzer notes well . . . “Religion, if it is worth believing, must be based on facts. Yes, there is room for faith, but unless it is faith in facts, faith is not only useless, but also destructive.”
- (Example) Note that what separates out the Book of Mormon from the Bible is “facts.” The recorded “facts” of the Book of Mormon cannot be substantiated, it is a book that lacks historical and archeological support. In turn, the Bible does not lack in these things.
Have a good day brethren . . . and as you walk I would challenge you to equip yourself to always be ready to give an answer as to what you believe about the historical reliability of the Bible.
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