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I tend to marvel at this truth we learn about our God from the Scriptures,

  • “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3 – NKJV)

We live in a high-tech world. And in that world there are cameras. Yes, cameras. They are everywhere, being used for all kinds of reasons, one of those reasons being to gather visual records of the movements of people. Such it has become very difficult to not find our actions being monitored. The term of all this has been referred to by some with the quip, “Big brother is watching you.” And you know what? To some extent that is true.

The other day, as I drove on the interstate-bypass, the sign that was posted let you know that your speed was being watched. The sign read, “Photo Enforced.” Go a certain amount over the posted speed limit and the cameras get you! Then, even though you never saw a police officer in the flesh, in his or her squad car, you will get a not-so-welcome correspondence from the city. This will inform you of a penalty you need to pay because . . . the camera got ya! And the whole process from the speeder to the ticket is a result of the cameras. Your breaking of the posted speed limit by going faster than you were supposed to did not go unnoticed, and subsequently, you owe!

The current day law and order media programming is rift with inquiries within the scripts of surveillance camera data. The question is frequently asked, “Were there any security cameras that might help us to know what happened and who it was that was responsible for it happening. What is interesting about this is that quite often, due to the inability of the filmed info to provide a real clear image, it proves to be lacking in what is needed to provide sufficient evidence as had been hoped for. 

And that interesting point would have us then consider the real world since real-world law enforcement on many occasions seeks after camera data to assist them in their investigations into “evil” deeds. So, in many instances, what was supposed to be a deterrent to unlawful acts just doesn’t get the job done. 

We know that the eyes of the camera don’t always see everything, don’t we? Though there seem to be cameras all around us, tracking our every movement. But whether these movements be “evil” or “good,” the whole picture, the clear picture, is not always captured. As is the norm in a not-so-perfect-world, “every place” being captured by the cameras doesn’t always get the job done. 

That brings me to our text. For in it we learn that our Father, “the LORD,” is not subject to the camera’s limited eye. No, He, we are told, sees “in every place.” And that seeing is always clear and perfect. It never lacks at any part of the viewing. 

Our God sees all, “keeping watch on the evil and the good.” And His vision, as He would allow us to attribute such a thing as vision to Him, is, again, perfect! 

We live and move around from place to place with a consciousness that we’re being watched. The eye of the camera is so prevalent in our society today. Even police officers now wear vest-cameras in an effort to capture arrest data. 

But One who is our Creator, the One we answer to, whether saved or unsaved, the Scriptures tell us His “eyes . . . are in every place, keeping watch.” There is no place, no place at all, where one can escape “the eyes of the LORD.” 

Who really is seeing the whole picture? “The LORD” is.


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