Daily Bread Devotions by Chuck Myer Daily Bread Archive | Sign up for our resources
- “I will extol Thee, my God, O King . . . And I will praise They name forever and ever. Great is the LORD, and highly to be praised”(Psalm 145:1-3 – NASB)
For He has certainly done great things for us, greater than we could ever fully imagine.
I write of wisdom and knowledge a great deal. I do so because to have them, to have wisdom and knowledge, to have understanding, these are the resources needed to live an abundant life. Note how the dictionary defines these three words,
- WISDOM – “The quality or state of . . . discernment, or insight”
- KNOWLEDGE – “Acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles”
- UNDERSTANDING – “To perceive the meaning of, to comprehend”
To be able to discern what is right from what is wrong, truth from error, good from evil, to have the proper insight into these things . . . to know the facts, essential truths, the right principles regarding life, to be able to perceive such things and comprehend them . . . surely having wisdom and knowledge and understanding are of greater value than any material possessions we might have. They are riches that, if a person has them, makes them wealthy beyond measure.
Do you know where the treasures of all wisdom and knowledge are? Are you able to understand where they can be found?
- “. . . Christ . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2-3 – NASB)
When we receive Christ and really start to know Him and what He has said, we find in Him, “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” We understand that these greatest of attributes are “in” Him. In Him is the truth about God, man, sin, creation, death, life, history, relationships, salvation, happiness, purpose, meaning, heaven, hell, faith and grace. Brethren, abundant living can only be experienced if one is wise regarding all these things, knowledgeable of all these things, and understands who holds the key to all these things.
Note Jesus’s calling,
- “Come to Me . . . learn from Me” (Matthew 11:28-29 -NASB)
Certainly in this context from Matthew eleven there is “rest” for the “weary” and the “heavy laden . . . rest for your soul.” But these are the fruit of “wisdom and knowledge” which we gain when we “learn from (Him) . . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” And when we understand this we are able to actually experience abundant living . . . there is real “rest for (the) soul,” a quality of life that surpasses anything this world can possibly offer to us.
Oh, Jesus, our Teacher! A disciple is one who puts himself under the teaching of a another. He or she is a learner. And we who are disciples of Christ are those who have placed ourselves under His teaching, under His authority, under His rule. And our benefit is that as we “learn from” Him we are able to partake of “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” that are “in” Him, and we understand what He means when He says,
- “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” (John 10:10 – NASB)
Have a good day brethren . . . and as you walk do so with an intent to learn from Christ, gaining wisdom and knowledge and understanding . . . living abundantly!

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