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Daily Bread

Daily Bread Devotions by Chuck Myer  Daily Bread Archive | Sign up for our resources

Our Scripture text comes from the book of Jeremiah,

  • “‘Is not my word like as a fire?’ saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?’” (Jeremiah 23:29 – KJV)

The Word of God, the holy Scriptures, are, in our text, pictured as a mighty “hammer.” The “hammer” strikes and shatters “the rock in pieces.” The term, “break in pieces” literally means, “disperse,” or “scatter abroad.” The force of God’s Word is that it comes to bear upon “the rock” of worldly words, false teaching, ungodly behavior, and it “scatters” them into “pieces.” “The rock” here is “a mountain.” The prophet, speaking the words of God, is saying to the false prophets, “Is not My word like a mighty hammer from heaven that shatters the great mountain and scatters it abroad?”
The prophets of Jeremiah’s day were speaking words of comfort, they were appeasing the people who were living in sin, rebelling against God and His law. According to them all was well in Israel. I tend to liken it to our day in which you and I live. Sin is rampant in our country yet many are saying, “all is well.” The church has many voices that are speaking words that do not coincide with the Scriptures, worldly words abound to the point of adversely affecting our thinking. When we are in the Word of God, when we are using it, speaking it, sin is exposed for what it is, false teaching is rebuked, and the mighty “hammer” comes forcefully down upon the vain words spoken by man . . . truth is brought to bear upon error . . . “the rock” is broken and the pieces scattered. 
The author of the book of Hebrews says,

  • “For the word of God is living and powerful . . .” (Hebrews 4:12 – NKJV)

. . . and so it is; “living and powerful,” like “a hammer” that “breaketh the rock in pieces!”
Brethren, Jeremiah was not a well thought of man in Israel. He was persecuted for the words he spoke. But his words were from God and what he prophesied ended up coming to pass. It is good for us to remember that the Bible we have today is the believer’s authority, it is his/her source of truth, it is a great tool that each disciple of Christ can use to expose the darkness of men’s thinking and their vain teachings. This thinking and teaching is vast, and may seem to be a mighty mountain, and we may be alarmed at its size and what appears to be strength, but recall to mind what God says about His word: “It is a hammer that breaks and scatters the mountain into many pieces!”
Have a good day brethren . . . and as you walk keep your hammer at hand and do not fear in using it to destroy “speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.” (II Corinthians 10:3-5)


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