When we encounter another human being, whether friend or stranger, without even thinking, we subconsciously look at their face giving special attention to the eyes. Why do we do that? Because, as it has often been said, “eyes are the windows to the soul.” One can intentionally manipulate his face. You can raise or furrow your brows, wrinkle your nose, clench your teeth, purse your lips, or frame your mouth in a smile. But all the while, your eyes will involuntarily tell the truth about what is really going on in your emotions, thoughts, and focus.
Eyes in the Bible
The first mention is in Genesis 3:5-7, when the serpent comes to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden. The tempter tells Eve that if she eat of the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, her “eyes will be opened, and she would be like God, knowing good and evil.” So tragically she listened to Satan, took a long look at the tree and … “the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise…”, and Scripture records that she ate “and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”
Adam and Eve fell into sin and death, just as God had warned and their descendants continued down a spiral of evil, wickedness and violence to the point that God determined to destroy the human race with a flood. Then the Bible records the first reference to God’s eyes, when it says in Gen. 6:8, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” So even though God (the Father) is a spirit, is invisible, and does not have a body, still the Bible speaks anthropormorphically about the ‘eyes’ of the Lord. Among many verses in the Bible that mention the eyes of God are…Deut. 11:12, I Sam. 26:24, I Kg. 15:5, II Chr. 16:9, Neh. 1:6, Ps. 66:7, Prov. 22:12, Amos 9:8, Zech. 4:10, Heb. 4:13, and Rev. 1:14.
God’s Eyes Are Supernatural
- God can See Everywhere. God is not limited! He is both omniscient and omnipresent, as King Solomon wisely reminds us, “The eyes of the Lord are in everyplace…” (Prov 15:3). Yes, He can truly see everywhere!
- God can See Everything. Heb. 4:13 says, “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.”
- God can See Every Thought. Gen. 6:5 says, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
God’s Eyes are Sleepless
Ps. 121:3-4…”He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”
As human beings, we are perhaps the most helpless and vulnerable when we are asleep. David was first a shepherd, then a soldier, and both occupations were fraught with danger, especially when the body calls for sleep. Even though the wolves would likely attack the sheep at night, still the shepherd cannot stay awake 24 hours a day. Even though enemy soldiers could mount a surprise attack in the dark of night, still the soldier cannot stay awake constantly around the clock. The Psalmist David must have been thinking of this quandary when he wrote… “I will both lie down in peace and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety”… Ps. 4:8.
God’s Eyes Are Searching
*For Loyal Saints
2 Chr. 16:9 says… “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
This is one of the most convicting, challenging and exhilarating verses in the entire Bible! To think that the all-seeing eyes of the Most High God who created the universe are presently and continuously searching world-wide among the billions of people on this planet. And He is seeing right down into each of our hearts! He cannot be mocked or fooled. He cannot be bargained with, or manipulated. Yes, He is beholding all the evil, but He is also seeing all the good (Prov. 15:3), and He is searching for someone, anyone, who has a heart that is completely loyal to Him.
The Bible doesn’t say God is looking for someone who is talented, or rich, or robustly healthy, or strikingly good-looking. He is searching for a heart that is totally devoted, and supremely dedicated to Him. That convicts us because our hearts are so easily distracted toward other priorities. It challenges us because we are to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. It encourages us because we know God is willing to use us mightily and show forth His power and glory through our lives if only we are totally loyal to Him, love Him supremely, serve Him unreservedly, and let Him have the preeminence in all things.
God is looking this world over for loyal saints, for loving and obedient children who will says, “Speak Lord, for your servant hears [is listening, ready, and willing to obey]” (1 Sam. 3:10). Or for those who will respond like Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8)… “Here am I, send me.”
*For Lost Sinners
Ezek. 34:16… “I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick…”
The eyes of the Lord are searching for lost sinners, who will acknowledge their wickedness, humbly repent, and turn to God in faith, believing in His only Son who died on that old rugged cross so that we might by justified by grace through faith in His life, death, burial, and resurrection. God does not want people to suffer eternal death and separation from Him in Hell.
“As I live, says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?”- Ezek. 33:11.
Scripture says that our God… “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:5). The eyes of God are searching for lost sinners who will respond to His loving invitation to be saved.
Yes, the Eyes of the Lord are…Supernatural, Sleepless, and Searching.
As his all-seeing eyes are searching to and fro across the whole earth this very moment, may He find that we are aspiring to have hearts that are completely loyal to Him. If that be true, look out! Because He will show Himself strong, and He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think!
Read More
What is Anthropomorphism?
Will We See the Face of God in Heaven? What Will He Look Like?
Seeing Jesus
Close Your Eyes and SEE Jesus!
The Anthropomorphic Expressions of God
How Should We Understand…
The Mind of God?
The Face of God?
The Eyes of God?
The Ears of God?
The Nose of God?
The Voice of God?
The Shoulder of God?
The Back of God?
The Arms of God?
The Hands of God?
The Fingers of God?
The Feet of God?
The Heart of God?
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Do You Know Jesus?
The Bible clearly states that everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). It also emphasizes that while the wages of sin is death, God offers us the incredible gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).
If you have not yet accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, know that today is the day of salvation (Acts 28). Turn away from your sinful past and turn to Jesus. Remember, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Don’t wait—find hope and redemption!
***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?***
Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus. When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you The Names of God in Psalm 23 PDF that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email).
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