Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ.

Holy Week begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday. Find time during Holy Week to rest in Christ.  Consider the events of each day of Jesus’ last week on earth.  Let the knowledge of His journey to the cross remind you of the greatness of His sacrificial death for you and the gift of God’s grace in your salvation.

Review some of our resources and prepare your heart for Easter.

Jesus’ Last Days Timeline: the Cross and the Resurrection
A Room with a View of Eternity – The Last Will & Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take a seat at the Master’s table. Learn about the riches He gives to all who are His. This book will bless and encourage you, give you hope, and help you live in the joy of your salvation and the riches of Christ that are yours.

Palm Sunday
Blessed is the King — A Palm Sunday video
Hosanna — Palm Sunday (Jesus Wept) (video)
Walking with Jesus – Tested by the Chief Priests and Elders

The Last SupperWhat is Maundy Thursday?  The Basin & The Towel
Maundy Thursday until Easter Sunday (video)
What’s your Judas experience? The Pain of Betrayal
What Do We Know about Judas? This Might Surprise You.
The Last Supper was NOT a Passover Seder?

Crucifixion Day
Was Jesus crucified on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?
Thursday Crucifixion? Do these two reasons “nail” it?
Why do we call it good [Friday]?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
How is Jesus Like a Worm? What’s the Crimson Worm? A Remez In Psalm 22?
Who do you need to reconcile with today?

Who Killed Jesus?
Since Jesus was the Passover LAMB, Why Didn’t God Provide a Lamb in Genesis 22?
Did Pilate Proclaim Jesus to be God?
Was Jesus Forsaken by His Father?
The centurion’s song from the foot of the cross: “Surely This Was a Righteous Man”
Journey to the Cross: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
How Do We Know Psalm 22 Is About The Cross?
Q & A: Thursday Crucifixion Discussion

Three Days in the Heart of the Earth
The Days of Darkness 
Sadness and Despair: The Darkest Days of All Time
Obituary of Jesus: Body Stolen or Risen? What do you say?

Then Celebrate!

With hearts and minds prepared in the knowledge of Jesus’ life and God’s love in redeeming mankind and opening the way to eternal life, stand in awe before our risen Christ.  Easter is a once-a-year, one-day celebration — more important than Christmas!  Make it a significant day and a remembrance of grace every day, throughout every year.

Holy Week begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday. Find time during this week to rest in Christ.  Consider the events of each day of Jesus’ last week on earth.  Let the knowledge of His journey to the cross remind you of the greatness of His sacrifice death for you and the gift of God’s grace in your salvation.

Review some of our resources and prepare your heart for Easter.

Jesus’ Last Days Timeline: the Cross and the Resurrection
A Room with a View of Eternity – The Last Will & Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ

Palm Sunday
Blessed is the King — A Palm Sunday video
Hosanna — Palm Sunday (Jesus Wept) (video)
Walking with Jesus – Tested by the Chief Priests and Elders

The Last SupperWhat is Maundy Thursday?  The Basin & The Towel
Maundy Thursday until Easter Sunday (video)
What’s your Judas experience? The Pain of Betrayal
What Do We Know about Judas? This Might Surprise You.
The Last Supper was NOT a Passover Seder?

Crucifixion Day
Was Jesus crucified on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?
Thursday Crucifixion? Do these two reasons “nail” it?
Why do we call it good [Friday]?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
How is Jesus Like a Worm? What’s the Crimson Worm? A Remez In Psalm 22?
Who do you need to reconcile with today?

Who Killed Jesus?
Since Jesus was the Passover LAMB, Why Didn’t God Provide a Lamb in Genesis 22?
Did Pilate Proclaim Jesus to be God?
Was Jesus Forsaken by His Father?
The centurion’s song from the foot of the cross: “Surely This Was a Righteous Man”
Journey to the Cross: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
How Do We Know Psalm 22 Is About The Cross?
Q & A: Thursday Crucifixion Discussion

Three Days in the Heart of the Earth
The Days of Darkness 
Sadness and Despair: The Darkest Days of All Time
Obituary of Jesus: Body Stolen or Risen? What do you say?

Then Celebrate!

With hearts and minds prepared in the knowledge of Jesus’ life and God’s love in redeeming mankind and opening the way to eternal life, stand in awe before our risen Christ.  Easter is a once-a-year, one-day celebration — more important than Christmas!  Make it a significant day and a remembrance of grace every day, throughout every year.


Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ.


The goal of Reasons for Hope* Jesus is to help you establish your heart and anchor your soul in Jesus, and renew your mind in His Word.


Get equipped with knowledge!

Be encouraged in hope!

Live empowered with love! 

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