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Daily Bread

Daily Bread Devotions by Chuck Myer  Daily Bread Archive | Sign up for our resources

From Peter’s first epistle we read,

  • “Be sober . . . because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he many devour” (I Peter 5:8 – NKJV)

Fun! Ah yes, that which every person in this country we live in pursues with great vigor. America is a nation filled with people who have as their chief aim, to have fun. As the old Beach Boy song stated, the guy to the gal, “We’ll have fun, fun, fun now that daddy took your T-bird away.” And that generation has passed this over-the-top message of “fun, fun, fun” to the following generation, and so on and so on. The pursuit of fun that one might experience pleasure has become the desire of the masses.     
I think it quite safe to say that this matter of fun has become an obsession in the good ole U.S.A. The very quality of something ventured is largely measured by whether it brings us fun or not. Gadgets of all kinds have pretty much conveyed to our minds a message that tells us we all deserve to be happy, to have fun. The expansion of social media in our nation has, without a doubt, propagated a message of seeking to satisfy one’s self and to do so by having fun. 
I couldn’t help myself, being one who is always curious about the meaning of words, but to reference this word “fun” in the dictionary to see just how it is actually defined, seeing that it is not a word used in the Bible . . . 

  • FUN – “something that provides mirth (mirth meaning, ‘gaiety or jollity’) or amusement . . . playfulness . . . providing pleasure” Not something “to be taken seriously but enjoyed.” (Interesting . . . not something “to be taken seriously.” Keep that in mind as you read further.)

I table this matter of “fun” because it has become such an obsession to those who go to make up our nation and even to those who make up our churches. You can see this especially amongst young people, for they are constantly evaluating whether they want what they do to continue if it fails to be “fun,” if it fails to bring them “pleasure.” 
In contrast to seeking out “fun” the Scripture is constantly ordering the disciples of Christ to be “sober.” Note how the apostle Peter uses this word “sober” in his letter, never saying to those he is writing to that they should seek out “fun” and “pleasure,” but rather, that they should “be sober!” Note . . . 

  • “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (I Peter 1:13 – NKJV)
  • “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious (same Greek word translated “sober”) and watchful in your prayers” (I Peter 4:7 – NKJV)

The apostle Paul also wrote regarding this state when he said to the Thessalonian believers,

  • “Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober . . . But let us who are of the day be sober . . .” (I Thessalonians 5:6,8 – NKJV)

Is it wrong to enjoy doing something? Of course not! Is it wrong to make something such as “fun” and “pleasure” our constant pursuit? Yes, it is! Such a pursuit plays right into the hands of the evil one who holds in his sway this world (I John 5:19). 
The Bible conveys to us a very serious condition that exists in this world you and I live in, and I suggest to you, the constant seeking of that which will be “fun,” of that which will bring “pleasure,” is a scheme designed by the devil himself. A scheme he uses to actually lead people into saying, “Hey, why all the serious stuff? Why don’t you shelve that and come along with us, and have some fun!” (NOTE: II Corinthians 2:11) 
The world would say, “Hey, sure the end of all things is probably at hand! So, live it up while you can! I mean, ‘here today gone tomorrow,’ so might as well pleasure yourself before it all ends.” 
To the believer God says, “Yes, the end of all things is at hand.” And, God is telling us in His Word that that is nothing to take lightly. He is saying to we who are His that in this world that seeks so fervently after fun and pleasure, you “be sober!”
Have a good day . . . and stop and think about how you process things around you and what you join in with and what your mind-set is in the midst of a fun-seeking, pleasure-seeking world. (NOTE: II Timothy 3:4) 

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