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Daily Bread

Daily Bread Devotions by Chuck Myer  Daily Bread Archive | Sign up for our resources

  • “In everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thessalonians 5:18 – NASB)

And it should be our pleasure to do His will and to give thanks to Him for He is worthy of such . . . for,

  • “. . . we have as our ambition, whether at home or absent , to be pleasing to Him” (II Corinthians 5:9 – NASB)

His will, His desire . . . our desire, “our ambition.” And His will is not something we are ignorant of. It is given to us in His Word, the Bible. In this greatest of all books is our code of conduct, the Father’s “will for (us) in Christ Jesus.” 
To the believers in Thessalonica the apostle Paul, as he was directed by the Holy Spirit to write, listed commands for conduct that believers “in Christ” are called to. Commands that are the Creator’s will for His redeemed subjects, those He has purchased out of the slave market of sin to walk in this world as witnesses for Him, conveying to the world a new manner of behavior that is in stark contrast to that of the those who are “dead in their trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1-4). Note some of these commands in First Thessalonians, chapter five. The verbs are in the present tense, in the imperative mood, thus indicating they are commands to be observed on a continuing basis. 

  • “Rejoice always” – for we are to be a people who constantly reflect on where we were and where God, “in Christ,” has brought us. Such reflection causes us to “rejoice.”
  • “Pray without ceasing” – for we are to be a people always in prayer, always communicating with our Lord, responding to the things the Spirit brings to our minds as we move to and fro.
  • “In everything give thanks” – for we are to be a grateful people, we who were lost and are now saved “in Christ.”
  • “Do not quench the Spirit” – for we are to be a people doing what the Spirit instructs us to do through His Word.
  • “Do not despise prophetic utterances” – for we are to be a people that listen attentively to the teaching of God’s Word.
  • “But examine everything carefully” – for we are to be a people that continually practice biblical discernment, constantly examining whether something is truth or error, good or evil, of God or not of Him.
  • “Hold fast to that which is good” – for we are to be a people who, by God’s Word, know what is good and hold fast to it.
  • “Abstain from every form of evil” – for we are to be a people who desire to keep ourselves from that which is evil, that which is not pleasing to God. (I Thessalonians 5:16-22 – NASB)

There you have it brethren . . . just a portion of walking orders from the Book, from the Manual for our code of conduct. Loving commands from the One we love first and foremost.
Have a good day brethren . . . and as you walk do so with the intent of following God’s code of conduct.

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