Storms . . . earthquakes . . . tsunamis . . . hurricanes . . . typhoons . . . they dot the pages of history, past and present. How many are in our future is impossible to tell. But these natural disasters come and when they do they can create unimaginable horror for people. Their destruction can be extremely devastating, frequently causing the death many. It is a most troubling thing to watch as God’s creation suffers from the fall.
How are believers to deal with the storm? It is interesting to read a psalm that I believe speaks directly to this matter . . .
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even thought the earth be removed. And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, thought the mountains shake with its swelling.” (Psalm 46:1-3 – NKJV)
I remember back in the 60’s, while in the Navy, our ship (an old re-commissioned supply ship that had served in WWII) was headed down the east coast; our destination San Juan, Puerto Rico. Off the North Carolina coast, we were caught in a horrific storm, one that tossed our ship to and fro, caused us to actually take on water on the bridge. Our supplies in our holds were snapping their restraints and the crew was running frantically, attempting to get to the holds and shore up all these things that were flying about. Men were getting sick at every turn and it became impossible to even sleep in one’s rack (bed) because of the extreme rolling; we literally had to strap ourselves in our racks to be able to stay in them. Failure to do so would cause one to exit his sleeping birth quickly! It was a harrowing time . . . especially for me, for I was not a believer at that time . . . and I thought for sure we would end up at the bottom of the sea. When you are at sea in a situation such as this there is just no place to get away to . . . and to think of possibly being put to the raging sea is, I believe, one of the scariest thoughts anyone could ever have.
I think, now from the standpoint of being a born again believer, I cannot help but shiver at the prospect of that night at sea and what could have been the plight of so many had not God graciously allowed us to weather that mighty storm.
I know that the storm comes. I know that believers are subject to them just as are non-believers. But now I know, by God’s mercy and grace, that One is my “refuge” and my “strength” and “a very present help” even if “the earth be removed” or “the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea” and even if the sea’s “waters roar,” as they did that night off the Carolina coast.
I think we need to know that! As the storms come, and they surely will til that day when the new earth is established, we who in Christ may not escape them but will know in the midst of them and at their end, should it be God’s will we survive . . .
“The LORD of hosts is with us . . . The LORD of hosts is with us” (Psalm 46:7, 11 – NKJV)
Who is at the eye of the storm? If I may . . . “The Lord,” it is He who is there . . . He is “with us” no matter what the storm may hold.
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