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The Bible features hundreds of significant men. We all know about Adam, the only man created perfect, but sadly, he also brought sin into the world. Then there are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the patriarchs of the Jewish nation. And Joseph, the favored son of Jacob. In the Old Testament, he is understood to be a “whisper” of Jesus Christ.

In Exodus, we read of Moses, who led God’s people through the wilderness to the Promised Land. And then there are the prophets. Samuel tells us about David, who ruled as king. Solomon, David’s son, built the holy Temple. Elijah exemplified perseverance in faith, and the major and minor prophets foretold of the coming of the Lamb of God, the Conquering King, and God’s promises to redeem and restore. 

The New Testament also includes significant men—from the shepherds and wise men who witnessed Jesus’ birth to the twelve disciples who carried on after His death. And, of course, there’s Paul.  He stands out as a prominent figure who wrote directly to the Church.

So, Who is the Most Overlooked Man in the Bible?

I would suggest Joseph of Nazareth. Although little is recorded about him, Joseph was the earthly and legal father of Jesus.  Therefore, he should be highly regarded and well remembered. His unwavering love for Mary and his steadfast faith in God reveal a man of high integrity who was surrendered to God’s will and trusted in His plan.  Joseph is unquestionably one of the most godly men in Scripture.

What Do We Know About Joseph of Nazareth?

Not a lot. However, the Bible gives us some insights about Joseph and his important role in God’s purpose and plan to redeem humanity.

  • Joseph lived during the Pax Romana (time of Roman peace), when the Jews were under Roman rule and allowed to practice their faith. 
  • As a Jewish man, Joseph adhered to the customs and laws of his faith, which deeply influenced his character and decisions. 
  • Joseph was a carpenter by trade (Mat 13:35), which provided for his family. This reveals a strong work ethic and a humble home into which Jesus was born and raised.
  • Upon learning of Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, Joseph planned to quietly “put her away” to protect her from public disgrace (Mat 1:19). However, he still loved her. When an angel appeared to him in a dream and assured him that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Mat 1:20), he took Mary as his wife (Mat 1:24).
  • Joseph raised Jesus as his son (Mat 1:16) despite the social stigma attached to Jesus not being biologically his.
  • As Jesus’ earthly father and legal guardian, Joseph loved Jesus and provided him with physical protection. When King Herod sought to kill the child who was born King of the Jews, Joseph heeded an angel’s instruction to flee to Egypt (Mat 2:13-14), thereby saving Jesus from Herod’s decree.
  • When Jesus was 12, Joseph took Him to Jerusalem.  (Luke 2:42-49)
  • It’s right to assume that Joseph would have also provided fatherly guidance to Jesus as He grew in stature and wisdom (Luke 2:52) from a child to an adult.
  • There is no record of Joseph’s presence during Jesus’ earthly ministry or at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. As a result, many believe Joseph may have died before Jesus began His ministry.

    The Significance of Joseph

    While we revere Mary as the one chosen by God to bring Jesus into this world, Joseph should also be revered.  According to God’s design for the family, Joseph was the head of the household, not Mary.  Joseph’s role in raising Jesus was extremely significant.  As a father, he would have nurtured, protected, instructed, and loved Jesus, teaching Him life lessons and guiding Him in His journey to becoming a man.

    Learning from Joseph

    Joseph embraced his role as husband to Mary and father to Jesus with remarkable faith and courage, stepping into his role and accepting the great responsibility of being Jesus’ earthly father.  This reveals a deep trust in God’s divine wisdom and a surrender to God’s will for his life.

    Joseph exemplified loving kindness, humility, faithfulness, and unwavering love. His quiet strength and dedication remind us of the vital role of fathers in nurturing and guiding the next generation. His example is particularly significant today when father figures are often overlooked or undervalued.

    Joseph had a tender, loving heart for Mary and a steadfast devotion and faithfulness to God, reflecting our heavenly Father, who loves, comforts, teaches, guides, protects, and nurtures us. Joseph’s patience, quiet resolve, steadfastness, hard work, integrity, and devotion are models for fathers, mothers, and anyone who mentors a child.  


    As we celebrate Christmas this year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the man who raised Jesus.  Joseph encourages us to honor the often unrecognized sacrifices and important contributions of fathers in God’s design for the family.  He inspires us to embody the virtues of love, faithfulness, patience, and humility in all our relationships and is a beautiful example of how dedication, devotion, and faithfulness to God make one useful for God’s purpose and plan.

    Remember, not only was Joseph a good father, but he was also the right father for Jesus — chosen by God!   And just as Mary was blessed to bring Jesus into the world, Joseph was blessed to raise Him!


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    Do You Know Jesus?

    The Bible clearly states that everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). It also emphasizes that while the wages of sin is death, God offers us the incredible gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).

    If you have not yet accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, know that today is the day of salvation (Acts 28). Turn away from your sinful past and turn to Jesus. Remember, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Don’t wait—find hope and redemption!


    ***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?***  

    Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus.  When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you The Names of God in Psalm 23 PDF that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email).

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