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Abraham — Cutting the Abrahamic Covenant
Abram’s faith was still “young” and still in need of growth and maturation. God reaffirmed His promises and established the Abrahamic covenant.
Abraham — Righteousness Through Faith
Abram was called by God to be separate from the world. And God molded Abram to receive righteousness through faith.
Need Inspiration & Encouragement Today? Quotable Quotes to Ponder
Don't you just love the wisdom of others? Some of the pithy sayings or the obvious truths spoken by friends, family and even people we've never met can cause us to stop and ponder. It's Important to Ponder "Ponder" is a word that is seldom used in our day, and it's a...
Abraham and Melchizedek
Abram met this unusual King of Salem and paid tithes to him. Is that significant? What do we know about this meeting between the two men?
Abraham — The Battle of Siddim
The Battle of Siddim: A battle of great significance in the life of Abram, a test of his faith, and a rescue of his nephew Lot.
Abraham and Lot
We’re looking at the life and faith of Abraham. Here we’ll look at Abraham and Lot — their relationship and their stories.
Not by Might, Not by Power, By My Spirit says the Lord (Zechariah 4:6)
“Sometimes fears can hide your vision. The loss of purpose chains you down.” God says it’s “not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit…”
Abraham — From Haran to Canaan
Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance and souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth…
Abraham – A Story of Relationship
The Bible is a story of relationships between God and His people. Let’s begin by considering the story of Abraham, his life and his faith.
The Marriage and Glory of the Lamb
Scripture clearly portrays Jesus as the eternal Lamb of God. And as the Church, the Bride of Christ, we await the marriage of the Lamb.