By Wade Wacker, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
Religion in our country is taking on a different definition. Our forefathers made it very clear that the United States should be a melting pot of people from different countries, cultures, and, YES, even with different religious beliefs. They stated that our country would stand for freedom of religion. No person would be persecuted or harassed for their beliefs. However, it was also very clear that our founding fathers believed in The Trinity — God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That is not arguable. They did not say that all religions are equal. Our forefathers understood we all must respect each other’s beliefs. However they also knew there is a big difference between equality of religions and freedom of religion.
Society is making a major push to try to equalize religions. Your god can be the same as my God, just as long as he/she/it is called a god. “Please Pray” oftentimes now means “Pray to your god” — meaning the God or god of your choice. Sound familiar?
The Old Testament is full of stories of people who tried to make other gods equal to the only true God. Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the commandments of God and, remember this… the first commandment was (and STILL IS), “thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20)
One True God
Our God is the only one worthy of all devotion and worship. But sadly throughout time — and increasingly in our time — other gods are being elevated and deified by many. The horrific problem with this is that it not only denies our Creator God, but it also takes Jesus out of the equation.
People easily accept the concept of a god, (some will even accept the Creator God of the Bible), but many do not want to accept the concept of sin, or the Saviour who paid for our sin — Jesus. Many think it’s too dorky, freaky (Jesus Freaks), or mystical and miraculous. They want to candy-coat sin and wrap it up all nice and pretty.
Society wants you to believe in a loving god that would not allow pain and suffering. Many do not understand or want to accept/confess sin and the reason for Jesus. Society teaches “I am a good person so why do I need a Saviour,” or embraces a “just play nice and accept each other’s god” attitude. There’s a growing belief that everything and everyone can be equal. Please understand that our God is not equal to any other god. He is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8), the Great I AM (John 8:58). He does not shout it or scream it — just matter-of-factly tells it, because IT IS TRUE.
The acceptance of many gods is commonly seen at events to support victims, family members and communities that have suffered a tragedy. Leaders from various religions get up and pray — each to their own God/god.
What to Do?
As Christians, should we participate in such prayer services, even praying with others of non-Christ-centered faiths? Pastor Jerry Gauthier of Trinity Lutheran Church of Sioux Valley MN answered this well, “Albeit we should be there to show support for the victims and community, and be respectful to all people that are there, but when people leave they should have no doubt who Jesus is and that He is the only way.”
Pastor Jerry is correct in saying we should testify for Jesus. It is our job to share Him with the world. But as we all know it’s not the popular thing to do. Pastor Jerry continued by saying if you are faithful to lift up the name of Jesus, “… the people will probably be throwing stones by the time you are done. “
The Problem with Equality of Religions
By creating the perception of all religions being equal, this allows society to teach us that sin can be redefined by how we feel about. It diminishes the importance of any religion/sin. Abortion is not a sin, because…… Homosexuality is okay, because…… Adultery isn’t a big deal, because…….. Because why? Because “this is what I think about it.” It’s an all-about-me-and-my-boundaries belief system. I do not need anybody else, I only need myself; therefore I do not need a Saviour.
Remember, we all must choose our path in life. The Triune God offers salvation to all who will come to Him in repentance and faith — trusting in Christ’s finished work on the cross to pay the penalty for their sin. That is what He desires. He desires that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). There is a paradise prepared for those who belong to Jesus (John 14:2). The path that leads there is narrow (Matthew 7:13-14 KJV). Are you on that path? Total peace and equality will come one day, through the power of the only true God — Jesus Christ. His kingdom will reign forever and ever. Will you be a part of that kingdom?
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***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?***
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