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We are now being told that pronouns must be applied according to one’s preference rather than one’s biological distinction, and one’s preference can be based on gender rather than biological sex.  This raises the question about using female pronouns when referring to our nation.  For example:

God bless America, land that I love.Stand beside her and guide her.Through the night, with the light from above

Her? Is America a Woman?

If an applied pronoun defines a person as the sex they are — which some try to claim — then does applying “her” to America make our nation a woman?

The answer, of course, is “no!”  Just because we say something, i.e., calling America “her,” does not make something true.

When Americal is called “her,” it’s not intended to be taken literally.  To do so would be absurd. America is not a woman.  A woman is a biological human being born with two X chromosomes. America is not a human, nor is America a biological person with DNA.

So Why is the Pronoun “Her” Used for America?

It has long been a common practice to refer to nations using a female pronoun. However, it is always meant to be symbolic, and the symbolism is easy to understand.

It comes from the concept of motherhood, with the idea of a nation giving “birth” to her people.  Furthermore, one’s country is expected to protect and nurture her people, just like a mother nurtures her children.

In recent years, however, with all the pronoun craziness being discussed, America is often called “it.”  And to be clear, using “it” would be considered more grammatically correct. However, as already said, “her” is used symbolically,with beautiful symbolism.

If “It” Replaces “Her”

It’s likely only a matter of time before we are told to sing,

“God bless America, land that I love.
Stand beside it and guide it,
Through the night with the light from above.”

Now won’t that be sad?  Furthermore, we understand “the light from above” as God’s light and guidance.  But sadly, in time, that too will likely be reworded to remove “God.”

And don’t forget that some people are not proud to be Americans. They don’t see our land as beautiful, nor do they consider the nation blessed by any deity.

Perhaps the song will one day be rewritten to say, People bless America, land where I live.  Stand beside it and guide it, through the night, with the sun from above.” That might please all the dissenting people, but it would certainly sadden those of us who love our God and country and pray for God’s blessings on the Great USA.

“Her” or “It”?

There is nothing inherently wrong with the use of “her” (or “she”) for America.  Although during the 2020 campaign season, a writer for The Hill declared:

“At the conclusion of her speech, Kimberley Guilfoyle stated, ‘Stand for an American president who is fearless, who believes in you, and who loves this country and will fight for her.’

“This rhetorical technique stood out to me, a human rights attorney with an expertise in hate speech, as equally subtle, deliberate, and dangerous. It is applying a female personification to America that leverages biases against women for political gain.” (emphasis, mine)

Really?  Calling America a “her” is dangerous?  The female pronoun is a “bias against women”? Perhaps the writer doesn’t understand that if one is born in America, America is said to be one’s motherland.  Or perhaps this is just another way to create division in what was founded as, and intended to be, the United States of America.

Take Pride in America

Our nation was founded as “one nation under God,” with biblical principles and precepts.  We have many reasons to love her and to have hope for our future.

Watch “Why I Love America,” by legendary actor John Wayne (1907-1979). He began with, “You ask me why I love her?” Then he answered with 24 reasons!



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***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?***  

Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus.  When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you The Names of God in Psalm 23 PDF that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email).

A Room with a View of Eternity—The Last Will & Testament of Jesus Christ   Take a seat at the Master's table. Learn about the riches He gives to all who are His. This book will bless and encourage you, give you hope, and help you live in the joy of your salvation and the riches of Christ that are yours.

The Top Ten Got Questions? in 2023 

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There is much to be learned from those who have gone before us in the faith.  Check out our Cloud of Witnesses category that features the words of departed saints who are now with the Lord in glory.  Their words equip and encourage us even to this day.  Take a few minutes to hear...

  1. ONLY ONE LIFE, Twill Soon Be Past – by C.T. Studd (1860 – 1931)
  2. “The Love of God is Greater Far” by Frederick M. Lehman (1917)
  3. Prayers from Billy Graham
  4. Who Was Robert Robinson? What’s the Story Behind “Come Thou Fount”
  5. “Immanuel” — A Poem by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
  6. Who Am I? A Poem by Deitrich Bonhoeffer (1905-1945)
  7. Understanding the Everlasting Arms of God, by J.R. Miller (1840–1912)
  8. 24 Reasons Why I Love America, by John Wayne (1907-1979)
  9. Give Me Perpetual Broken-heartedness (from The Valley of Vision)
  10. Abide with Me, by James Smith, 1859

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