How old was…?
- How old was Adam when Eve gave birth to Seth?
- How old was Abraham when he was circumcised?
- Who was Israel’s youngest king?
- How old was Israel’s youngest king?
- How old was Joseph when he died?
- How old was King Josiah when he became a father?
- Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born (Gen 5:3).
- Abraham was circumcised when he was 99 years old (Gen 17:24).
- Israel’s youngest king was Joash.
- Joash became Israel’s youngest king 7 years old (2 Chr 24:1).
- Joseph died at 110 years old (Gen 50:22). (He’s the only only person in Genesis to live less than 120 years.)
- King Josiah was only about 13-14 years old when he became a father (connect these verses to figure this out: 2 Kin 22:1, 2 Kin 23:31, 2 Kin 23:34-36).
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