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fun facts Bible reader

Animals in the Bible?

  1. How many times are dogs and cats mentioned in the Bible?
  2. How many animals are mentioned in the Bible?
  3. What bird is said to be neglectful, unwise, prideful and cruel?
  4. What animal is mentioned most in the Bible?
  5. How many people were killed by lions in the Bible?
  6. How many people killed a lion in the Bible?


  1. Dogs are mentioned 41 times. Cats are not mentioned—unless one considers the cat family that includes lions and leopards.
  2. Approximately 125 animals are mentioned in the Bible.
  3. Ostriches said to be neglectful, unwise, prideful and cruel. (Job 39:13-18, Lamentations 4:3)
  4. Sheep (189) are mentioned more than any other animal.  Horses are second at 188 (KJV), followed by lambs – 175, goats – 129, lions – 119, dogs – 41, eagles -34
  5. We don’t know how many people were killed by lions, because there were multiple deaths in some cases (1 Kings 13:23-24, 1 Kings 20:35-36; 2 Kings 17:25-26; Daniel 6:24).
  6. It’s recorded in the Bible that three people killed lions. Samson (Judges 14:5-9), David (1 Samuel 17:34-36), Benaiah (2 Samuel 23:20, 1 Chronicles 11:22)

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