Do I Have To Tithe?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our ministry work. The answer is “no.” Nothing in Paul’s writings to the church requires tithing.  However, there is much more to consider.  If you...

What is the Rapture?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Question What is the Rapture?  Is it Before, During or After the Tribulation? Answer Rapture is the term used to refer to the event that will take place when Jesus...

What Is Election?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Election is a term for a doctrine (teaching) of salvation. The term is found only in the New Testament, but the doctrine is exemplified throughout the Bible. Election is...

Is the Bible a Love Letter to Me?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Is the Bible a love letter to me?  The answer is, yes and no.  The Bible contains God’s spoken word, written for all people at all times.  There is a message to each of...

Is church membership necessary?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution.    Question:  I am attending a church in my community and enjoy the small congregation and the pastor’s preaching.  I know he loves and worships God and preaches...

Does God Love the Lost?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. I have also entered into a debate on this with a friend.  It’s sad that some would say, God doesn’t love the lost, for the Bible teaches that God loves all of His...

Romans 8:28 For my good? Really?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. When things don’t appear to be working together for good, how can we believe that they are? In the face of trials and tribulation, we all know that it’s difficult to...

Do we have Guardian Angels?

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. In recent years angels have become a popular subject.  TV shows, movies, and books present images of angels and portray their works.  All too often they are wrongly...