Oh, What a Gift!
Salvation is a gift. So also was Jesus coming to earth to live and die for us. Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…What a Gift!
Good News to All People: God in a Manger
Jesus came to earth into humble circumstances. He came as God in a manger. He was born a man to be our Saviour. Good news for all People.
Songs of Christmas: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Learn the history of the song and watch and listen to a beautiful rendition of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
Why Did Jesus Come to Earth? Seven Reasons for Our Hope!
When thinking about the reasons Jesus came, Christmas becomes all the more meaningful. Important realities converged in Christ’s arrival on earth.
What is the Legend of the Candy Cane?
The candy cane shares a message that’s sweeter than any candy. Watch the Legend of the Candy Cane and share its message with others.
What If You Had Been There When Jesus Was Born? Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Krueger’s Christmas
An incredibly moving video that will warm your heart and stir your soul. From Mr. Krueger’s Christmas — Consider if you had been there when Jesus was born.
Do You Get These 7 Things Right or Wrong About the Nativity Story?
Some of the common understandings about the birth of Jesus are not biblically supported. Â Test your knowledge by taking this short quiz.
The First Noel – Born is the King of Israel, by Carrie Underwood
A most beautiful rendition of a perennial favorite, The First Noel, by Carrie Underwood. Â It’s lasted down through the centuries because it tells the truth of that most important night, the night our Saviour and King was born.
How Does a Candy Cane Share the Gospel?
There’s a sweet message in a candy cane. Give a candy cane and use it to open a conversation of spiritual importance.
December 25th: The Christ Candle
On Christmas Day, we light a Christ Candle to remember Jesus’ incarnation. He came to live among us, to die for us, and to rise again and open the way to Heaven. Thank you, Jesus.
4. Advent Candle of Peace
On week four of Advent, we light a candle of Peace. Belonging to Jesus give Peace WITH God. Trusting in Him give rest and the Peace OF God.
3. Advent Candle of Joy
On week three of Advent, we light a candle of JOY. Prepare your heart with the Joy of knowing Jesus and look forward to the celebration of His birth.
2. Advent Candle of Love
On week two of Advent, we light a candle of LOVE. Prepare your heart with the Love of God for the celebration of Christmas.
1. Advent Candle of Hope
On week one of Advent we light a candle of HOPE. Prepare your heart with hope for the celebration of Christmas.
How Do We “Take” Advent and Find Rest?
It’s not easy to find rest in a restless world. Take a minute to reflect and remember and find the rest that you need.
Songs of Christmas: We Three Kings
Watch a beautiful rendition that tells the story of the Wise Men who came to worship the Christ child.
The Story of Christmas
Celebrate Christmas. Watch the story unfold and give thanks to God.
A Saviour is Born
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Songs of Christmas: O Little Town of Bethlehem
 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.”
Christmas Trivia Fun
Check your knowledge of Christmas trivia. A fun activity to see how much you know about the birth of Jesus. How will you score?
Give an Invitation to HOPE this Christmas!
Help someone find HOPE this Christmas. Watch Now.
Songs of Christmas: In the Bleak Midwinter- “Give Him My Heart”
You might not know this song. It’s from long ago. Yet, it continues to be sung even in our time. The words are profoundly moving. Watch, listen, and read NOW!
What About My Friends Who Don’t Know Jesus?
Christmas is an opportunity to talk with people about the Lord. He entered into our world, took on flesh, and lived among us. He was born to die. Born to redeem us from our sins. Do your friends know Him?
Songs of Christmas: Good Christian Men Rejoice
Behind every Christmas song, there is a story. Read the story of why this song was written and how it was used to inspire hope and joy.
Songs of Christmas: Mary Did You Know?
Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy will save our sons and daughter? Read about the song & watch a beautiful rendition.
Are You Stuck in “The Middle”?
You have to watch this. Learn 8 things, from “The Middle” about sharing God’s Word. Don’t be Stuck in the Middle. A Must See!
A Hidden Message Found in the Piano’s Pause
Be AMAZED by the Hidden Message in the PAUSE on a PIANO Keyboard
Pause to Find Hope
Pause with us now, find hope, joy, delight, That came in our Saviour, that first Christmas night.
Pause to Receive God’s Promises
God’s promises are many and He is faithful to fulfill them. Pause in wonder and gratitude for all He has given us.
What are the Prophecies of Christmas?
The Prophecies of the birth of Jesus are many. Pause to rediscover the wonder and prophetic hope fulfilled on Christmas Day.
Pause to See Jesus
Will you pause to see the Baby in the manger during this hectic holiday season? Take a minute and watch this short video.
Pause to Hear God’s Plan
Pause to reflect on the magnitude of God’s sacrifice. It didn’t start at the cross. It was predestined from before the foundation of the world. Watch the short video.
Where are the genealogies of Jesus in Mark and John?
There are clear genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke, but what about Mark and John? This will surprise you…
A Boastful Christmas Letter
You’ve probably don’t get Christmas letters like this one. Read it and be surprised by what it says and what it doesn’t say.
Why are There Two Different Genealogies for Jesus?
There are clearly 2 different genealogies in Matthew and Luke. How can this be explained? What should we know when skeptics claim the Bible is in error?
What’s in the Pause?
This is a lesson you don’t want to miss! With Christmas fast approaching we take a break from our regular Bible teachings to PA-- USE and stand in wonder and awe of our great God and His sacrificial gift of sending Jesus into our world. It’s so easy to get caught up...
Peace Delivers Hope to a World in Sin
As we get closer and closer to the day in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus, take a minute to remember what you have been given. When Jesus saved us He gave us peace with God.Peace with God vs. the Peace of GodPeace with God is an objective peace. It...
The Most Important Lesson for YOU in the Nativity Story?
Three more misconceptions about nativity scenes, pageants & Christmas narratives AND the most important lesson for YOU in the Nativity story.
Promise Ignites Hope
By Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus As we enter into week three of Advent, the festive and the busy activities of the season increase. Â And, sadly, they begin to capture our thoughts, our time and even our hearts. Take a minute to pause and think on the truly...
Errors in the Nativity Story? Is Jesus’ birthplace wrong?
We’re looking at common misconceptions found in nativity narratives and most nativity scenes. Last week gave biblical answers for three Misconceptions About Mary and Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem and their arrival in the city. This week...
Preparation Produces Hope: Get Prepared!
How can you keep Christmas Christ-centered? Find Him every day. 200 glimpses of Jesus! Read the list and find out if you “see” Him.
Misconceptions About Christmas: the Journey to Bethlehem
There are many misconceptions about Christmas surrounding the birth of Jesus. What does the Bible tell about the journey to Bethlehem for Joseph and Mary?
Alone at Christmas? Feeling lonely?
Are you alone at Christmas. Or feeling lonely? What can you do?
How can you have a white Christmas without snow?
 By Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus White is such a beautiful color. Or is it? Is it really a color, or is it the purity of not being tainted by a color. With paints, if you add just a smidgen of another color to white it takes on the hue of the color added....
Christmas, abortion and Joseph, the forgotten man of Christmas
There’s a consensus among many Bible students that Jesus was not born on, or even around, December 25. It’s believed He was born in the month of….
Remember the Wonder of Christmas
Excerpt from the book, Why the Butterfly? During this hectic holiday time, take a few minutes to pause and reflect on the magnitude of God’s mercy…
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
How biblical are Christmas celebrations?
***A Hidden Message in Psalm 23?*** Â
Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus. When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you The Names of God in Psalm 23 PDF that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email).
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Grow in Truth & Hope
Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Pet 3:18