Link to RFH*J

Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ.Tell others about Reasons for Hope* Jesus apologetics answers and hope. Add text or an image on your website or social media. Use Text to Share a Hyperlink Copy and paste this link into your post: Reasons for Hope*...

The Easy Button – List of All Got Questions

Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ.What is a Chiasm? Chiastic Structure in the Bible? Will AI and Transhumanism be the Second “FALL” of Mankind?   How Can We be Certain the New Testament is True and Accurate? What’s Wrong with This FB Lenten Fast?...

The Easy Button — List of All Videos

Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ. If you don't receive our emails,  now.  Just the Beginning of You, by Charles Billingsley We All Know What it Feels Like to Lose Night At the Creation Museum, from Creation Today The Gate of the Year: A Message to...