by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. In a recent interview, Yuval Noah Harari spoke about artificial intelligence and how technology could create new ideas. Harari is an influential author who has sold...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. What is apologetics? Let’s start with what it is not. Many are not familiar with the word “apologetics,” and some wonder if it has anything to do with...
by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. How we can hear God’s voice in darkness and despair, depression and anxiety, aloneness, sadness, and suffering? Let’s consider what we can learn from the...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Racism against any ethnic group is WRONG! And in the eyes of God, it is sinful. Jesus taught us to love one another and not to discriminate based on ethnicity or skin...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. Read about the origin of the saying “Rise and Shine” — from the book “Who Said That?” If our resources have blessed you, please consider...
by Reasons for Hope* Jesus
If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution. AUTHOR: Joshua DATE: 1400-1370 B.C. While Joshua is identified as the author of this book (24:1-26), there are a few sections (15:13-17, 24:29-31) that must have been...