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The “Great Day of Love” (Valentine’s Day) is approaching. This year (2018), it coincides with Ash Wednesday, a day on the church calendar that marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days in which we are to remember what Jesus has done for us and look forward to celebrating His paying for our sins on the cross and defeating death by rising from the grave.  There is no greater love than what Jesus did for us.  How appropriate that Lent begins on Valentine’s Day this year.  May this Lenten season be a great time to increase our efforts of sharing the good news of saving grace.  


  • The Father loved us so much that He sent his only begotten Son into the world so that the world, through Him, could be saved (John 3:16-17).
  • That Son loved us so much that He took on human form and was born of a woman (Gal 4:4). He was given the name above all names (Phil 2:9) and He came to seek and save sinners (Mat 1:21).
  • Jesus loved his Father (John 14:31) so much that He lived fully surrendered to His Father’s will (John 6:38, John 12:39, Heb 10:7) and perfectly obedient to the Law (Heb 4:15, 1 Pet 2:22). Jesus was gloriously empowered by the Holy Spirit (Phil 2:7, Luke 4:18a) and He lived His life in both union and communion with the Father and the Spirit.  Jesus then became our substitute and took our place on the cross.  He died the death that we should die, and, in doing so, He opened the way for all people to be forgiven of sins and be given eternal life with Him.

Jesus loves me. Jesus loves you.  Jesus loves the world.  This I know.


Share the Truth will all people. Be bold to speak and tell people of the love and saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, when you aren’t able to speak it, share it with a silent testimony.  Leave a tract.  Tell people….

These tracts are the size of business cards.

They will fit easily in your wallet, so you will always have some with you.

They are easy to leave anywhere and they’re likely to be kept.

What do people do with a business card? They read it. Then put it in their wallet.

“Jesus Loves You” tracts tell of the love of Jesus. They explain the greatest love of all, the gift God gave when He sent Jesus to die for our sins.  The tracts proclaim,“Yes, Jesus loves you” and then ask, “Do you love Jesus?”  With a short gospel message and a prayer of faith, these tracts can share the love of Jesus when words cannot be spoken.

Get some now and leave them when or where you don’t have the opportunity to testify of Jesus.  And when you do have an opportunity to witness, use the card as a tool to open the conversation.

Order now!

Check Out Our “What if?” Tract

If our resources have blessed you, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our ministry work.


The goal of Reasons for Hope* Jesus is to help you establish your heart and anchor your soul in Jesus, and renew your mind in His Word.


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Live empowered with love! 

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