Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ.

 There are events that are forever etched in our memories, and yet there are others that quickly vanish. Events that have occurred on the world stage are easily remembered because of historical records. Equally, if not more important than remembering national and world news, is remembering the events, people, places, etc. that touch our lives personally. They might never be recorded in print or on video, but they have greater impact on us and far more influence in directing our paths.

Why is Remembering Important?

Our minds are a precious gift from God and we are to use them to reason in God-honoring ways. Our ability to remember directs our lives, and by allowing our memories to reveal God’s presence and faithfulness we will remember rightly. Then, when we experience difficult times or times of feeling distant from God, we will remember that He is always there. He is faithful and true and is creating a beautiful mosaic of our lives—a mosaic designed according to His plan, and for His purposes.

Why the Butterfly? A Book About Rightly Remembering

Learn to rightly remember. It will establish your heart , anchor your soul , and transform your mind . It will change your life.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: SHARI ABBOTT is a Christian apologist, author, and the executive director and founder of Reasons for Hope* Jesus. She describes herself as a disciple of Jesus Christ, a wife to Steve, the mother of two daughters, and a grandmother of two. She is passionate about equipping and encouraging Christians to know Jesus better and to love Him more. Shari is the author of the books Why the Butterfly?  Remember Me, Who Said That? Got Questions? Fun with Shuns, How to Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Hear, See, Speak & Post No Evil. 

Scroll down for more information or to buy the book.

What if Today is Your Last Day? Tracts

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Business Card Size Tracts

With a short gospel message and a prayer of faith, these tracts can share the love of Jesus when words cannot be

*** The tracts fit in your wallet. They're easy to leave. They're likely to be kept. And they are a great way to witness!

What do people do with a business card? They read it and then put it in their wallet.

These tracts are PERFECT FOR SHARING THE GOSPEL! Scatter them anywhere, include them in mailings, ask, "Did you get one of these," and hand it to people you encounter.

What if Today is Your Last Day? Tracts

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Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ.


The goal of Reasons for Hope* Jesus is to help you establish your heart and anchor your soul in Jesus, and renew your mind in His Word.


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