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Martin Luther on Trial

500 years since Luther’s 95 Thesis and now Satan wants him judged in court. The theatrical production of “Martin Luther on Trial” presents a heavenly courtroom and a most interesting trial.

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Finding Peace in the Smoke

When the smoke of a tragedy rises, how do you find peace? 9/11 changed the world, but it didn’t change God’s promises. Reflect, now, on 9/11 and your life.

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Who Was the First Victim of 9/11?

There’s an interesting lesson in the story of the first victim of 9/11. Read about his heroic attempt to stop the terrorists and the evil born thousands of years ago.

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No Room for Jesus

Terrorist attacks have removed more than just our sense of security. With Jesus being “moved out” or “merged” with other gods, what are Christians to do?

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Pause to Pray for Children

As children head back to school, take a minute and pray for them. They live in a dark and dangerous world. Be a light in the life of a child today.

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