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What is The Romans 12 Road to Sanctification?
The Romans 12 Road is a unique path that the apostle Paul has given us as a “roadmap” for sanctification. Are you on the right road?
What is the “Revelation Road to Salvation” in the Bible?
The Revelation Road is a unique path to salvation for a time in the future. Verses for those in the Tribulation.
What is the “John Road to Salvation” in the Bible?
The Bible offers several “roads” to salvation. Each provides a “road map” of verses telling man’s lostness and how to make it “home.”
What is the “Romans Road to Salvation?”
Be equipped to share the way of salvation with others. Learn the Romans Road and help someone today to get on the right road.
Prepare Your Heart During Lent — Start on Ash Wednesday
What is Lent? It’s a time set aside to prepare our hearts to celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What are the Four Kinds of Love? CS Lewis Answers
The Four Loves, by C. S. Lewis, published in 1960, examines love from Christian and philosophical perspectives and explains the four Greek words for love.
Does the Freedom of Grace Lead to Sinful Living?
Watch the full message here.More Lessons from the Book of Galatians — short video clips. Highlights from the message Here's what Paul begins addressing in Galatians 2, verses 17 to 21. If God does all of this for us, if He justifies us fully and finally, and we...
The Three Kings, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Longfellow wrote “The Three Kings” in 1877 to tell the story of the wise men who traveled to see and worship the one born King of the Jews.
When Did The Wise Men Arrive?
The wise men weren’t there on the night Jesus was born. Nor were they there 12 days later. When did they arrive?
The Worst Thing is Never the Last Thing. Never Give Up! John Claypool (1930-2005)
This message of hope offers great wisdom for dealing with sorrow, pain, and suffering. God can bring good from the worst of circumstances.
Why is Anna Significant in the Nativity Narrative? (Luke 2)
Anna was an amazing woman of faith and prayer. Learn more about her significant role in the dedication of Jesus at the Temple.
If Pre-borns Could Talk: A Conversation in the Womb
A short story about pre-born twins carrying on a conversation of great importance in their mother’s womb. How could anyone consider silencing the voices of pre-born babies?
Why is Simeon Significant in the Nativity Narrative?
Although both Simeon and Anna (Luke 2) are often overlooked in the nativity narrative, they are very significant.
Who’s Often Forgotten in the Birth of Jesus Story?
One of my favorite narratives of the birth of Jesus is often overlooked, and there are two people who are often forgotten. Don’t miss them!
In Case You Missed It: Top Ten Got Questions in 2023
Which Got Questions & Cloud of Witnesses articles were most read this year? Which videos were most watched? Check out the Top 10 in each category.
A New Year Lesson from the Book of Job, by Ray Stedman (1917-1992)
Before us stretches a new year, a new beginning, the old is past, put away forever. The Book of Job offers a great lesson as we move forward.
A Christmas Morning Prayer
On Christmas morning take time to come to the cradle. Read this poem by legendary author Robert Louis Stevenson and pray this prayer with us.
Did Jesus Bring Peace On Earth?
It was Pax Romano when Jesus was born. That means there was peace under Roman rule, but that was not true peace. Did Jesus bring peace on earth?
Was Jesus Born in a Stable, a Cave or a House?
Where was Jesus born? What does the Bible tell us? Was Jesus born in a stable? Tradition tells us one thing, but we must look to the Bible for answers.
Does “Xmas” Cross Jesus Out of Christmas?
Why do people shorten Christmas to Xmas? Does using Xmas dishonor Jesus? There’s more to this than you might think!
What are the Events of Jesus’ Birth? A Timeline and Chronology
There is a lot of information in the Bible about the events of Jesus’ birth. So what’s the timeline and chronology of events?
Is There a Monkey at Your Gate? Hear, See, Speak No Evil
We have som important gates to guard. Is there a monkey at each of your gates? Read about the three wise monkeys Plus a fourth monkey?
22 Reasons to Thank God
There are thousands upon thousands of reasons to thank God. Here’s a countdown of twenty-two. Find out the #1 reason!!!
What Can We Learn About Thanksgiving from Charlie Brown?
What can we learn from the Peanuts gang as they prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving? 10 lessons from Charlie Brown and Friends.
Fear & Slavery vs. Faith & Freedom
Fear fuels slavery, but faith fuels freedom. And the faith that fuels freedom is based on one thing — knowing that you are…
What Does it Mean “to Perish?”
The Bible speaks a lot about perishing — of things, of bodies, and of souls. What distinctions should be understood?
What is the Mazzaroth?
The Bible mentions the Mazzaroth but tells us very little about what it is. But there is a meaning to it, and it’s amazing.
What are the Three Reformation Hymns of Martin Luther?
Most Christians know Martin Luther was a great theologian and he started the Reformation. But few know that he was the writer of many hymns.
When Were OT People Saved? And Were They Sealed?
There are significant differences between the Old and New Covenants. Were OT Saints sealed? Did they have eternal security?
How Can I Be Bold in Witnessing?
None of us need to be convinced of the necessity of witnessing. We long for non-Christian loved ones to join us in our promised hope—Heaven.