Sola Scriptura — Scripture Alone! by J.C. Ryle, 1816-1900
Next to praying, there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible reading.
What Did President Reagan Say About Racism, Marxism, and God?
What did President Reagan say about racism and Marxism? What vow did he confidently make on behalf of our nation? Watch now!
Glorify the Lord in the Fires of Affliction, by James Smith (1802-1862)
The fires are afflictions. And they are intended to try us, to purify us, and to endear the Lord Jesus to us.
How to Win Over Temptation, by David Wilkerson (1931-2011)
Power to not yield to temptation does not come from stuffing our minds with scripture verses, making vows, etc. From where does it come?
The Glorious Gospel of Christ! by James Smith, 1860
There is nothing more glorious than the good news that comes to those who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Spirit of God is in Us, Yet We Still Sin, by Charles Spurgeon
The believer is a new creature. The Spirit of God is in him, and in all respects he is far removed from the natural man…but still a sinner.
The Surpassing Love of Christ, by Alexander Smellie, 1907
Does not His wondrous love deserve my whole soul and body–all that I have and all that I am?
“The Love of God is Greater Far” by Frederick M. Lehman (1917)
The love of God is greater far, than tongue or pen can ever tell; it goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. Read more.
We are saved by HOPE, by James Smith, 1862
The apostle Paul says, “We are saved by HOPE” (Romans 8:24) but not in the same sense as we are saved by faith.
My Support, by James Smith, 1859
“They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, but the Lord was my support!” Psalm 18:18
The Consistent Christian, by William Secker, 1660
It is true that we have sin in us. That should make us sorrowful. It is true that we have a Savior for us. That should make us joyful.
Why did God permit David’s grievous sin? by Arthur Pink
David sinned grievously with Bathsheba. God could have stopped him, so why didn’t He? What can we learn from David’s sin?
Take Your Elim With You, by Alexander Smellie, 1907
In your pilgrim journey, hardship cannot be avoided. Yet, you can take your Elim with you through the great wilderness.
In Christ . . . all things have become new!”
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Matthew Henry (1662-1714) Christians are new creations. They have a new heart and new nature. So great is the change which the...
The Lord reigns! by William S. Plumer, 1867
“The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty!” Psalm 93:1 “The Lord reigns! Let the nations tremble!” Psalm 99:1
A Lamb with a Wolf’s Head; a Dove with a Vulture’s Beak, by J.A. James, 1822
Christians should excel in the manifestation of Christ’s character. The mind which was in Jesus should be in them.
Behold, all things have become new! by Albert Barnes (1798-1870)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 1. "He is a new creation" In the conversion of a sinner, a change is produced so great as to make it proper to say that he is...
The Stream of Time that Leads to the Ocean of Eternity! by William Nicholson, 1862
How short-lived is the glory of your physical nature! The wind of sickness, or cares, or toil, or old age, will pass over them.
This is What He Promised Us, by William Nicholson, 1862
This poor world is full of sin, sorrow, pain, and death. If we had this life only, we would be most miserable. But the Christian has more!
No event is so important as death! By William Nicholson, 1862
Death is sure to come. Nothing can prevent it. Every expedient has been tried, but there can be no discharge in this war.
The Brightest Ornament of Human Nature – a letter from John Newton
The words of John Newton, regarding idleness and sin, were written in a letter to his 13-year-old adopted daughter, who was away at school.
Who Was John Newton? What’s the Story Behind “Amazing Grace”
John Newton was the captain of slave ships and an investor in the slave trade. Later in life, He was converted and became an Anglican priest and an abolitionist.
Fear Not! I will strengthen you! by George Mylne, 1854
Powerless believer, “Fear not!” You have a war to wage and a race to run; an enemy to watch and a victory to gain.
Who Was Robert Robinson? What’s the Story Behind “Come Thou Fount”
Robert Robinson wrote “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” at age 22 after converting to Methodism. But what’s the rest of his story?
Who Can Tell Him What is to Come? by George Myine, 1859
God’s purposes have all their seasons of fulfillment. His judgments each have their time of visitation. What is to come?
Who Was Fanny Crosby? What’s the Story Behind “Blessed Assurance”
Blind from infancy, Fanny Crosby was an incredible woman and gifted hymn writer. Who was she? And what’s her story?
Is Your “Thorn” a Blessing or a Harm? by J.R. Miller, 1894
Paul tells us that his “thorn”(2 Cor 12:7) was given to him to keep him humble and save him from spiritual peril. A blessing? Or a harm?
Let Love Be Your Highest Goal! by George Everard, 1882
Love is the most beautiful of all graces. It comes down from above, for love is one of the first fruits of the Spirit.
The Life of Faith, by John Newton (1725-1807)
The life of faith is a happy life. Though it is attended with conflicts–there is an assurance of victory.
God Comforts as a Mother Who Comforts Her Child, by William Nicholson, 1862
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you shall be comforted." Isaiah 66:13 The condescending love of God to sinners is most astonishing. Though He is the High and Lofty One, yet He knows, pities, and cares for worms of the earth--sinful, frail,...