What are the Doctrines of Imputed, Infused, and Imparted Righteousness?
The righteousness of Christ is given in salvation, but how is it given? Imputed, infused, or imparted? What does the Bible say?
Who said, “To Everything There is a Season?”
Many pithy (concise and forcefully expressive) sayings are used in everyday conversation. However, most people have no idea of their origins. It should be no surprise that many of the sayings are found in the Bible and long pre-date their use. This reveals how the...
Did Enoch and Elijah Go to Heaven?
One of the most provocative questions that the Bible does not clearly answer. We can only ponder it and reason about a possible answer.
Is America a Christian Nation?
“…we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation…” Pres. Obama, 2009 Is this true?
What is the Fourth T of Giving? Time, Talent, Treasure & ?
Christians are called to give time, talent, and treasure in service to the Lord. Do you know what the fourth “t” is?
What are the Individual Works of the Trinity in Creation and Redemption?
We know God is one God, but also three Persons. So how should we understand their individual works in creation and redemption?
What Is Shavuot / Pentecost? Does It Prophesy of the Rapture?
Shavuot is a harvest feast celebrated 50 days after Passover. The church calls it Pentecost. What typology/symbolism points to the Rapture?
Does Satan (the Devil) Accuse Us Before God?
Bible verses say that Satan goes before God and accuses those who have faith. Does he accuse you and me? How should we understand his tactics?
What is the Triunity of Creation?
We see triunity in everything around us. The triunity of creations reveals God’s pattern and design and is a signature of His work.
Memorial Day Bagpipes Tribute: Amazing Grace
Our most popular video with 2 million views & thousands of comments. The bagpipes proclaim the grace of God in this moving tribute to wartime heroes.